I got a new Nephew today! Zack was actually due Febuary but he couldn't wait any longer and the docs say he's doing just fine. "Strong genes in the family" a friend said. My mom said that another nephew that was born the same way and he's just fine i had no idea. Zack is 1lbs 7oz
Well getting a full house tonight, my cuz just got into town and is coming over and to play Mario Party I got Menace, Brain and his gf, Luigi and maybe his gf too. I'm gonna give my pups a bath really quick so everyone can love them lots. They are gonna go crazy with all these people here.
Well getting a full house tonight, my cuz just got into town and is coming over and to play Mario Party I got Menace, Brain and his gf, Luigi and maybe his gf too. I'm gonna give my pups a bath really quick so everyone can love them lots. They are gonna go crazy with all these people here.
Have a very happy turkey day, sweetie!