Another day in know, its a shame that the whole "stop, drop, and roll" thing doesn't work when your stuck in Hell...
Just got word that I may be losing one of my primary clients for work. Decided it would be better to hire a full timer, as opposed to paying a free-lancer (that would be me). Not quite sure what will happen, but I am certain a new career path is in order. Thats fine. I would rather get my foot in the door of a hospital anyway. At this point, I'll take a shitty wage just to get that ball rolling.
Anyway, thats all for now. Any good advice regarding getting into the nursing profession would be appreciatted. Considering the notion of getting my CNA, just so I can be a little more marketable.....any thoughts?
Just got word that I may be losing one of my primary clients for work. Decided it would be better to hire a full timer, as opposed to paying a free-lancer (that would be me). Not quite sure what will happen, but I am certain a new career path is in order. Thats fine. I would rather get my foot in the door of a hospital anyway. At this point, I'll take a shitty wage just to get that ball rolling.
Anyway, thats all for now. Any good advice regarding getting into the nursing profession would be appreciatted. Considering the notion of getting my CNA, just so I can be a little more marketable.....any thoughts?