today i droped about 800lbs on my left liddle finger and the end of it exploded like a hot dog in the mic and im not happy ive benn poppin viks like there pez and its not helping much mad
Why Japan? Well, because it is the culmination of four years of language and culture study, and because I want to study the Japanese Harajuku street fashion scene! Also, because everything in Japan is weird. Oh, and also I would be getting lots of money.
i went to a bike show yesterday and met billy lane and kendel johnson both have been on the biker build offs on dc i made billy uneasy he told me he thought i was going to hit him he said he was very scared and its funny im a very nice person im your big teddy bear but in the pic i make him...
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tongue LOL cant wait to see that.... wink
i just started third shift now i own the night its cool there is not to many ppl out at time of the night and and the shift will alow me to bounce still on fri and sat night so i still get to let my aggression out caused by a job that i dont like but have to do to get paid
whats going on im still new so im looking through the site enjoying it very much looking for ppl from michigan to chat with or ohio im on the border so if u see this drop me a line
Cool, where at in Monroe? I've practally lived all over Monroe Co!!