I've just had one of the best weekends of the year, and all thanx to SGUK. In 12 months of shite, heartache and overwork this site's been the one place of good cheer and unexpected new friendship that's kept my chin up and my grin affixed throughout. Give yourselves a big round of applause, I love you all
Friday night was Cherry's first London meet and having arrived at the 1st bell of 4 o'clock to meet Vicky, Robin and munch we were then swamped by about another 16 SGUKers. A top afternoon/evening was had by all but despite a last minute bit of valiant arm-twisting by partiallyblind, Abaddon and Hermes I forced myself to go home and get some shuteye.
Saturday afternoon was my own attempt at organising a meet and for my money was the more fun of the two. No offence to anybody on Friday, cos twas ace, but good people, great pub, top music, the world's best king bubba burger, cigars and pass the parcel combined to make my saturday night pretty damn special. I was just sorry to have to head back to Kent at closing time and kicked myself all the way to Victoria, especially when the last train was delayed almost an hour. I did think of texting the rest of you guys and coming back out but would probably have got lost on the tube due to accessive extake of incohol. Best of all, not the slightest trace of a hangover sunday morning
The past few months of burning the candle at both ends, combined with two solid days' drinking with sguk, did, however, conspire to give me the first cold I've had this year, which struck late sunday afternoon and has kept me miserable all day at work. Thing is, after such a top weekend, I really couldn't give two fucks
Last but not least: check Nic's journal for the sorry tale of NickySonic, unfairly singled out by some fucking douchebag as a target for hacking. Nicky is the thin white duke of SGUK and is sorely missed online. Send him your love people !
EDIT: pics are up from saturday's meet. go see

Friday night was Cherry's first London meet and having arrived at the 1st bell of 4 o'clock to meet Vicky, Robin and munch we were then swamped by about another 16 SGUKers. A top afternoon/evening was had by all but despite a last minute bit of valiant arm-twisting by partiallyblind, Abaddon and Hermes I forced myself to go home and get some shuteye.
Saturday afternoon was my own attempt at organising a meet and for my money was the more fun of the two. No offence to anybody on Friday, cos twas ace, but good people, great pub, top music, the world's best king bubba burger, cigars and pass the parcel combined to make my saturday night pretty damn special. I was just sorry to have to head back to Kent at closing time and kicked myself all the way to Victoria, especially when the last train was delayed almost an hour. I did think of texting the rest of you guys and coming back out but would probably have got lost on the tube due to accessive extake of incohol. Best of all, not the slightest trace of a hangover sunday morning

The past few months of burning the candle at both ends, combined with two solid days' drinking with sguk, did, however, conspire to give me the first cold I've had this year, which struck late sunday afternoon and has kept me miserable all day at work. Thing is, after such a top weekend, I really couldn't give two fucks

Last but not least: check Nic's journal for the sorry tale of NickySonic, unfairly singled out by some fucking douchebag as a target for hacking. Nicky is the thin white duke of SGUK and is sorely missed online. Send him your love people !
EDIT: pics are up from saturday's meet. go see
they certainly played a fair bit of clash on saturday night, which was good - so yeah, definately in spirit.
have a great xmas, and I'll speak to you soon. here's looking forward to the new year and more SG type shenanigans...
all my love to mr. sonic, i miss him terribly here, and fuck the poor bastard who thought he should mess with such a great guy, he'll get his.