Can't believe how hot it's been this weekend - typically, I've spent much of it in the hottest part of the house, up here in the loft, moving stuff and boxing it up for storage. I'm melting...
Do you believe in ESP or whatever you want to call it when you're thinking about somebody and suddenly they ring you or you meet them in the street? Have had it a lot recently, O ringing me jst as I was about to ring her, the usual. But Thursday morning on the way into work, out of the blue, I wondered suddenly about an old mate, Space, who I'd not seen for about 5yrs, and started musing on the spray job I did on his last motorbike.
So Friday dinner we go into a new pub following the closure of our local, and who should be drinking there but Space, on dinner break from the site next door, and he only asks me if I'm interested in doing another paintjob as he's building a new bike. Weird
Do you believe in ESP or whatever you want to call it when you're thinking about somebody and suddenly they ring you or you meet them in the street? Have had it a lot recently, O ringing me jst as I was about to ring her, the usual. But Thursday morning on the way into work, out of the blue, I wondered suddenly about an old mate, Space, who I'd not seen for about 5yrs, and started musing on the spray job I did on his last motorbike.
So Friday dinner we go into a new pub following the closure of our local, and who should be drinking there but Space, on dinner break from the site next door, and he only asks me if I'm interested in doing another paintjob as he's building a new bike. Weird
And as for ESP- usually it just surprises me how often I know who it is when the phone rings.