I was reading back through your blogs a bit last night....I keep coming back to your situation with your wife. Does she know about SG? I guess what I wanted to tell you is that you may find some of my past blogs on the topic of how I got to be where I am in relation to things such as strip clubs, sharing porn with Flashmo, etc. I used to be pretty threatened by all of it, and finally realized that it wasn't the strip clubs or the porn that bothered me....it was feeling left out of a big part of his life that left me feeling threatened. Once Flashmo let me into this part of his world, I quit feeling so threatened, and was able to embrace it instead. Little-by-little is how you reach the place that we are. Share one of your fantasy's with her, she may surprise you. Little girls are taught that some aspects of sexuality are dirtier than others, and we need to know that our men aren't going to think less of us if we let that sex goddess part of ourselves loose. Don't know if that makes any sense to you or not....let her know you love her, that you find her beautiful and sexy...without any strings attached. Make love to her brain first, cuz that's where women get turned on first...in their head by something sweet and thoughtful and loving that you do for us, that's what get's us thinking about sex. I've read some really great books by Graham Masterton, I'd recommend them for your wife. He has some great ideas on ways to break through barriers to sexuality, and being comfortable with your own sexuality. Just a thought. You might also look into the "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" books by John Gray. He's got one for sexual issues as well.
Honestly, If I could recommend one thing to you it's that if you love her, give her a chance. Share the side of yourself with her that you share with us here, and she may just completely WOW you. I know it's scary. It's hardest to let someone you love in sometimes because the risk is the greatest, but the rewards are the greatest as well.
Well I'm going to start on my chest piece soon...ouch. It will have a heart in the center and an eagles on each breast. Their will be a dagger down the center and roses across the bottom. I'm sort of nervous but i'll get it done. I'm really wondering it all the work I do is for a good reason. I never get any time... Read More
I finally got me a new IPOD. I've been lost without it. Th tattoo expo is this weekend. I'm so pumped about it. My buddy Crick and I are going. The artist from the local shop are going to be their too. My newest tattoo is healing up OK but still to early for a pic. The artist from the shop say that they get... Read More
Finally closed on the house. Going to go and have some more work done on my back tonight. The tattoo expo is in two weeks and I'm pump up about it. Meet another one of my friends from here last week. (She ROCKS)
and she is hottttttttttttttt. Got another tattoo starting on my other leg when i finish my back. It will be the BIGBOY... Read More