Now it's monday but I'm in a pretty good mood.
I'm not sure why it's muggy and cloudy out,
I'm at work, oh wait I know! I get the damage
deposit back from my old place today and
I get pay tomorrow. Beer Beer Beer bubba of Beer
I'm a simple simple man
I'm not sure why it's muggy and cloudy out,
I'm at work, oh wait I know! I get the damage
deposit back from my old place today and
I get pay tomorrow. Beer Beer Beer bubba of Beer
I'm a simple simple man
that is pretty funny time I shave my head I'll have to use that one...and see if anyone really gets it or not! only 15 mins till I'm not the girl again! (It's so much fun waiting)
god i was so messed up that night. i am not sure why, i only drank one beer but i was just totally wound up and crazy.
hmmm... beer