It's journal updating time!!!
Wow, it's already mid-week... Leatherface from the UK is playing tonight at the Rev but I'm once again so incredibly tired I'm not going to go. Sometimes life just seems to take it out of me. I will be going to see From Autumn To Ashes play there tomorrow night though and then there is Dub Conspiracy this Saturday at the Arena.... yay, Aussie and New Zealand reggae/dub. My weekend (last weekend that is) pretty much began on last Thursday. I went to the Rev to see Strung Out play which was damn good. I really wanted to go to the Sunny Coast show to see the Dumpers last show for a while (possibly forever) as they're one of my fav Aussie bands but, I unfortunately didn't make it up there. I got to hang out with Rocketeer at the Rev show though... he gave me candy, yum! He's totally the sweetest. Watching Strung Out I realised I had forgotten how good they actually are and I remembered how unbelievably sexy Jason Cruz is, damn he's fine... add him to my current crushes that's for sure.
Friday I went to work in the morning and luckily I had my cool boss on so he gave me a whole bunch of fun jobs. Friday night I can't even remember what I did. Saturday night I went down the Gold Coast to see the last ever show at the Troccadero with Vicious and The Wrath playing (pics with this post). The Wrath have a new line-up that totally kicks arse!! The crowd was pretty out of control. This one girl voluntarily got up on stage and peed her pants... have some self-respect girl it was totally gross yet everyone seemed compelling interested in watching. I couldn't even begin to ever imagine doing something like that the things people do for attention, it's really quite sad. I got to see a whole bunch of my old friends whom I haven't seen for a bit which was great and I missed seeing a whole bunch of people I thought I would, these are the grey friendships. I ended up driving back to Brisbane at 4am. I do this quite often and I'm always relived when I pull in the driveway. Towards the end of the drive everything starts to get kind of blurry and I start seeing things on the road that aren't there. There's this phone booth along Old Cleveland Road I drive past on the way home and almost every time I go past late at night I think I see someone there, but I know there isn't anyone it freaks me out sometimes. I also see these blue and sometimes green little lights on the side of the road, I put them down to fairies or sprites. I thought an arrow that was painted on the road was a cat and tried to swerve round it. If Baskin and Robbins were open I would have stopped there for drive thru ice-cream but, alas it wasn't... you all know how I was talking about churros a few posts back? Well, they have ice-cream with churros in it!!! OMG it's good, so is the Caribbean flavour, coconut and pecans. Out of curiosity what type of ice-cream are you all into?
Sunday was a recovery day for me... i actually slept until around 9am which for me is amazing. I haven't been doing my meditations lately I've been trying but, I can't seem to get into it. There's been too many distractions on my mind. I find out if I get the other library job I went for on Friday let's hope hey.
Monday I drag myself to work as I was mega sick from going out so much the previous week. I had to go as my boss has been on my arse about having too many sick days. It totally bums me out, there's one guy who is sick like very week and he never gets drilled for it. I've had like eight days in about a year and I'm the world's worst.
Tuesday I was still sick and still went to work, I made sure my boss knew I was extra sick. She even asked if I was feeling ok 'cause I looked that bad. I got to have coffee with the beautiful, smart, amazing miss anne_gwish. We have incredibly so much in common: anime, comics, girls, fashion, history and about a million things more we discussed the finer points of waxing, music, hair colour, threesomes, individuality, freedom... I love having girlie chats... go check out her profile/journal and say hi! Tuesday night also saw me and Porl have dinner with some beautiful friends... I laughed so hard and so much that by the end of the night and after lots of exquisite Thai food and wine were consumed my jaw was so sore. It's the best feeling though...
...which all now brings me to today. I'm still sick, the sushi I ate while out shopping made me sicker. I didn't come home with a single thing despite spending 3 hours at the shops! Don't you hate when you actually for once have money to buy something and no matter how hard you try you just can't find something... anything!! I read an article in the new Cleo (the one with Miss Gwen Stefani on the cover) and it was about five things you should do in your life at least once... number one was to pash a girl... the article was like 'you know you want to' I have this theory that everyone is bi-sexual, it's just people tend to lean towards one side or the other more.
My thought for the day: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts, we make the world.
Love you guys!!!
B xx
PS- If you're living in Brisvegas head out to the Jubilee Hotel this Sunday for The Disables, Community Cervix, Sausage Chopper, The Clap and Steppin' Razor from Sydney.
The beautiful Miss Kath (Happy Birthday sweetheart) & me...
Kung fu Vincent Von Fuck
James, Timmy, Porl & Tommy
punk rock punters
Al Wrath and moi
Mike... isn't he cute!
Shane Hell Passage in action
The crowd goes wild!!!
Wow, it's already mid-week... Leatherface from the UK is playing tonight at the Rev but I'm once again so incredibly tired I'm not going to go. Sometimes life just seems to take it out of me. I will be going to see From Autumn To Ashes play there tomorrow night though and then there is Dub Conspiracy this Saturday at the Arena.... yay, Aussie and New Zealand reggae/dub. My weekend (last weekend that is) pretty much began on last Thursday. I went to the Rev to see Strung Out play which was damn good. I really wanted to go to the Sunny Coast show to see the Dumpers last show for a while (possibly forever) as they're one of my fav Aussie bands but, I unfortunately didn't make it up there. I got to hang out with Rocketeer at the Rev show though... he gave me candy, yum! He's totally the sweetest. Watching Strung Out I realised I had forgotten how good they actually are and I remembered how unbelievably sexy Jason Cruz is, damn he's fine... add him to my current crushes that's for sure.
Friday I went to work in the morning and luckily I had my cool boss on so he gave me a whole bunch of fun jobs. Friday night I can't even remember what I did. Saturday night I went down the Gold Coast to see the last ever show at the Troccadero with Vicious and The Wrath playing (pics with this post). The Wrath have a new line-up that totally kicks arse!! The crowd was pretty out of control. This one girl voluntarily got up on stage and peed her pants... have some self-respect girl it was totally gross yet everyone seemed compelling interested in watching. I couldn't even begin to ever imagine doing something like that the things people do for attention, it's really quite sad. I got to see a whole bunch of my old friends whom I haven't seen for a bit which was great and I missed seeing a whole bunch of people I thought I would, these are the grey friendships. I ended up driving back to Brisbane at 4am. I do this quite often and I'm always relived when I pull in the driveway. Towards the end of the drive everything starts to get kind of blurry and I start seeing things on the road that aren't there. There's this phone booth along Old Cleveland Road I drive past on the way home and almost every time I go past late at night I think I see someone there, but I know there isn't anyone it freaks me out sometimes. I also see these blue and sometimes green little lights on the side of the road, I put them down to fairies or sprites. I thought an arrow that was painted on the road was a cat and tried to swerve round it. If Baskin and Robbins were open I would have stopped there for drive thru ice-cream but, alas it wasn't... you all know how I was talking about churros a few posts back? Well, they have ice-cream with churros in it!!! OMG it's good, so is the Caribbean flavour, coconut and pecans. Out of curiosity what type of ice-cream are you all into?
Sunday was a recovery day for me... i actually slept until around 9am which for me is amazing. I haven't been doing my meditations lately I've been trying but, I can't seem to get into it. There's been too many distractions on my mind. I find out if I get the other library job I went for on Friday let's hope hey.
Monday I drag myself to work as I was mega sick from going out so much the previous week. I had to go as my boss has been on my arse about having too many sick days. It totally bums me out, there's one guy who is sick like very week and he never gets drilled for it. I've had like eight days in about a year and I'm the world's worst.
Tuesday I was still sick and still went to work, I made sure my boss knew I was extra sick. She even asked if I was feeling ok 'cause I looked that bad. I got to have coffee with the beautiful, smart, amazing miss anne_gwish. We have incredibly so much in common: anime, comics, girls, fashion, history and about a million things more we discussed the finer points of waxing, music, hair colour, threesomes, individuality, freedom... I love having girlie chats... go check out her profile/journal and say hi! Tuesday night also saw me and Porl have dinner with some beautiful friends... I laughed so hard and so much that by the end of the night and after lots of exquisite Thai food and wine were consumed my jaw was so sore. It's the best feeling though...
...which all now brings me to today. I'm still sick, the sushi I ate while out shopping made me sicker. I didn't come home with a single thing despite spending 3 hours at the shops! Don't you hate when you actually for once have money to buy something and no matter how hard you try you just can't find something... anything!! I read an article in the new Cleo (the one with Miss Gwen Stefani on the cover) and it was about five things you should do in your life at least once... number one was to pash a girl... the article was like 'you know you want to' I have this theory that everyone is bi-sexual, it's just people tend to lean towards one side or the other more.
My thought for the day: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thought. With our thoughts, we make the world.
Love you guys!!!
B xx

PS- If you're living in Brisvegas head out to the Jubilee Hotel this Sunday for The Disables, Community Cervix, Sausage Chopper, The Clap and Steppin' Razor from Sydney.

The beautiful Miss Kath (Happy Birthday sweetheart) & me...

Kung fu Vincent Von Fuck

James, Timmy, Porl & Tommy

punk rock punters

Al Wrath and moi

Mike... isn't he cute!

Shane Hell Passage in action

The crowd goes wild!!!
bye for now...eirn
You talked about threesomes? I've never had one myself. I'm pretty sure I'd want at least one before I die (umm 2 girls of course
And about that girl peeing herself onstage ... the first roadie job I ever took was for a WWE wrestling thing. I showed up too early for the bump out and waited around watching the crowd hanging outside the Superdome. These 2 girls in the crowd either need to go badly, or just wanted the attention (why they wanted THIS kind of attention is beyond me). They didn't even move away from the rest of the people around ... they just squated down and went right there ..... both of them.