Today on the way to work I saw a man jogging along the walking/bike path near Coronation Drive wearing a bumble bee suit! This is at like 6:30am! I've had an average of three hours sleep each night for the past three nights so I'm thinking 'have I gone to sleep while I'm driving or something and the bumble bee man is all in my mind?' I had to pinch myself to check no I'm not asleep there really is a grown man dressed up like a bee. He had little feeler things on his head and the body of the suit had yellow and black stripes and looked all furry, it had 'iron bee' written across it I thought maybe his like an iron man but a bee or something maybe training for some insect Olympics. He even had these black tight legging things on. Who knows where he was going or what he was doing?
I had sooooo many enquires at work today. Someone tried to tell me that we didn't have a 'K' section! I tried to hide out in the book stacks but people kept finding me. Thankfully tomorrow is the last day of the working week and it's my new friend Rocketeer's birthday so, Happy Birthday gorgeous!
Monday, I did my Simple Plan interview. I waited in the hotel lobby with their bass player while I waited for the other guys and he was telling me all these stories about the tour so far, the usual lots of drinking and substance stuff. He told me of how in Auckland at this big fancy hotel in the middle of the night him and a couple of the Greenday guys found a grand piano in the lobby and they sat round it and broke out into song and everyone was trying to quiet them down. The concert was pretty spectacular there were fireballs, confetti cannons, an Operation Ivy cover and Billie Joe shoved his hand down his pants and made orgasmic noises... mmmmm he's damn cute. I wish he would have got naked... sigh.
Tuesday night was Prodigy and it was unfuckingbelieveable! I got to meet Rocketeer and Amobia
I'm quite looking forward to having many exciting adventures with them
Erythrocytez was there too but I didn't get to meet him
Last night was Tiger Army, another amazing night! Even though I cut my arm on the bar and had to wait 2 hours + for my interview. It was worth the wait for the interview with Nick though. I have to say, he's one special soul. He has the most beautiful eyes and is totally intelligent and he really thinks about what he's saying before he speaks (a quality pretty rare in today's society). Half way through the interview we had to go out back into the car park as it was really noisy inside and I asked him this question and he kind of just looked up at the stars and back at me and had the most... I don't know just a... I don't know how to describe it, he just gave me the most intense stare. I've only ever gotten that look once before from a person... I'm flying all the way to the US to speak to that person in July, if all goes to plan it's been eleven years since we last met, I was only 15 the first time. I love people's eyes. I really believe it when they say 'the eyes are the window to the soul'... an old boyfriend once told me I had eyes like a cow!! I didn't and still don't know how to take that, maybe it's just 'cause my eyes are big and brown and so are cows'... Eyes are usually one of the first things I notice about people Rocketeer has pretty beautiful eyes.
I got a call yesterday asking if I wanted to go to Cat Empire tonight? I'm so tired but how can I say no to a free bar tab and an opportunity to have a good dance and forget about my cares and be living totally in the moment if even for only a little while. That's one thing I love about going to see live music, when you're watching the band or dj, whatever you don't think about all the crap going on in your life, what happened yesterday doesn't matter, what's going to happen tomorrow (like work) doesn't matter it's all about the moment. Like Duane Peters told me 'live for today, for tomorrow we die'. I think watching live music at times can be a totally spiritual experience. Dancing and moving to beats is such a primitive sexual thing.
I'm going to stop writing now as this is getting long, hope I haven't bored you all...
Miss Bianca xx
me & jeff tiger army
chilling with some Simple Plan guys
my juice spillage that i think looks like someone dancing
me & paul GC
I had sooooo many enquires at work today. Someone tried to tell me that we didn't have a 'K' section! I tried to hide out in the book stacks but people kept finding me. Thankfully tomorrow is the last day of the working week and it's my new friend Rocketeer's birthday so, Happy Birthday gorgeous!
Monday, I did my Simple Plan interview. I waited in the hotel lobby with their bass player while I waited for the other guys and he was telling me all these stories about the tour so far, the usual lots of drinking and substance stuff. He told me of how in Auckland at this big fancy hotel in the middle of the night him and a couple of the Greenday guys found a grand piano in the lobby and they sat round it and broke out into song and everyone was trying to quiet them down. The concert was pretty spectacular there were fireballs, confetti cannons, an Operation Ivy cover and Billie Joe shoved his hand down his pants and made orgasmic noises... mmmmm he's damn cute. I wish he would have got naked... sigh.
Tuesday night was Prodigy and it was unfuckingbelieveable! I got to meet Rocketeer and Amobia

Last night was Tiger Army, another amazing night! Even though I cut my arm on the bar and had to wait 2 hours + for my interview. It was worth the wait for the interview with Nick though. I have to say, he's one special soul. He has the most beautiful eyes and is totally intelligent and he really thinks about what he's saying before he speaks (a quality pretty rare in today's society). Half way through the interview we had to go out back into the car park as it was really noisy inside and I asked him this question and he kind of just looked up at the stars and back at me and had the most... I don't know just a... I don't know how to describe it, he just gave me the most intense stare. I've only ever gotten that look once before from a person... I'm flying all the way to the US to speak to that person in July, if all goes to plan it's been eleven years since we last met, I was only 15 the first time. I love people's eyes. I really believe it when they say 'the eyes are the window to the soul'... an old boyfriend once told me I had eyes like a cow!! I didn't and still don't know how to take that, maybe it's just 'cause my eyes are big and brown and so are cows'... Eyes are usually one of the first things I notice about people Rocketeer has pretty beautiful eyes.
I got a call yesterday asking if I wanted to go to Cat Empire tonight? I'm so tired but how can I say no to a free bar tab and an opportunity to have a good dance and forget about my cares and be living totally in the moment if even for only a little while. That's one thing I love about going to see live music, when you're watching the band or dj, whatever you don't think about all the crap going on in your life, what happened yesterday doesn't matter, what's going to happen tomorrow (like work) doesn't matter it's all about the moment. Like Duane Peters told me 'live for today, for tomorrow we die'. I think watching live music at times can be a totally spiritual experience. Dancing and moving to beats is such a primitive sexual thing.
I'm going to stop writing now as this is getting long, hope I haven't bored you all...
Miss Bianca xx


me & jeff tiger army

chilling with some Simple Plan guys

my juice spillage that i think looks like someone dancing

me & paul GC
Hello! Yeah I was a tad annoyed that I missed out on meeting you. But, I'll be at UQ on monday morning and pretty all next thursday so I'll try and drop into your library and say hello if I get time. I'm doing a radiation course, so look for the guy that's glowing green!