The Dwarves last night were pretty darn cool (photos with this post)... I was a little disappointed they didn't play more stuff off their new album though. I was surprised we got more than a 20 minute set (that's all we got last time). I went by myself
as I had no one to go with - I couldn't even convince any of my friends to come even with a free ticket!! Oh well story of my life... I always seem to go to shows by myself a lot - Madball on Friday should be amazing!!! And Day Of Contmept this weekend too.... bring on the hardcore... B xx
Blag being his usual beautiful self!!!
He Who Can't Be Named in action...

Blag being his usual beautiful self!!!

He Who Can't Be Named in action...
OK! Here's the deal: next time you have free tickets and don't wanna go somewhere on your own....