Hello SG!
I'm not exactly new, but this is my new account. I'm super excited that @rambo picked this topic.
My name is Bianca, but I also go by Bullets. Feel free to call me either one 😬
Before I get into why this is my favorite photo of myself, I want to give you a bit of background. I have a disability known as arthrogryposis It's basically stiff joints in my entire body. Also, my left side is slightly weaker as far as my legs. This ailment leaves me wheelchair bound, so I do not walk at all.
There was a time in my life when I was afraid to take photos below my neck. Like, I did it with family, but I never posted them online. If I did post the picture, I would crop my body out. I was terrified of people online seeing me as I really am. I wouldn't even mention my disability. Living like this made me fall into a deep depression. It got to a point where I hated myself so much that I wanted to die.
After time passed, I realized I couldn't live like that. This is part of me and it's never going to change. I chose to own it rather than try to hide it. If people have an issue with mty disability, that's not my problem. I've learned that the right people will see me for who I truly am, and that others will just see whatever they want. What people think of me is none of my business. As long as I love what I see in the mirror, then that's all that matters.
Although the quality of this image isn't that great, I absolutely love it. I feel like I look so confident and feel genuinely happy with myself here. I strive to always view myself in this light. I love who I am, and wouldn't trade places with anyone.
I've met a few awesome people here already, and I'm excited to meet more unique individuals. I hope that this post has given you a better image of the person I am, and that you thoroughly enjoyed it ❤️❤️😊
Have a great weekend, ladies and gents! ✌🏽️ @lyxzen @rambo @missy