I tell ya the selfishness of that woman should not surprise me but it fucking does. She is pissed at me for something, dont know what, but she is. Its probably because I am back with my girlfriend and have choosen not to hide that fact. She doesnt know I am bi, but she knows we had a falling out and weren't speaking. I suppose she thinks I should hate Brandy for the rest of my life, but I can't I love her. Any way, I called her to ask her when she thought she would come to one of my daughters hockey games and she told me & I quote, "I probably wont make it to any, you know with the pirce of gas and all." and this was said with disgust and an attitude
Also the other day I called her, which I do about 3 times a week...we live an hour away from each other...there was a fire convention that I had no idea was the previous weekend...my Daddy is fire chief of the local fire company where I grew up...and I said "Damn no one called me? I would have liked to have gone." and her reply was, "Well you never bother to call anyone around here, you are always so busy with your firends and family." She is also pissed because I brought along some friends that were visiting from out of state to the Indian festival we went to for my birthday. WHAT THE FUCK?????? Its not like they were rude or somthing like that. Christ we all went and had a great time. She is acting like such a bitch & I cant fucking stand it. I am fucking 34 yrs old, married, with my own family...the least she could do is show me some god damned courtesy. She is going to break my daughters heart by not coming to any of her games. What a selfish bitch...sorry I am just terribly upset and on my way to a nice drunk as we speak. See ya

Hope everything is better! That does suck, but my moms the same way. Maybe they are all like that! I still love you!