Please Help Lord cause I'm gonna strangle her soon. OMG she is driving me nuts...there isnt a waking moment that she is not arguing with me and telling me I am wrong. I just want to hang her up by her toes and leave her there...kidding just kidding...but she IS driving me totaly insane. Instead of simply answering me yes/no she has to create an arguement about something as stupid as brushing her teeth. It like no matter what I say its wrong or some how I am attacking her and telling her she is wrong when all I said was its time to brush your teeth so you dont miss the bus (AGAIN THIS MORNING). I mean come on how hard is it to just say, "Ok Mom I'm coming, or I will be right there?" instead of "Gosh stop yelling at me or Gosh I'm doing it!" with a serious mouthy attitude while still sitting on the couch. I tell ya these pre-teen ages are about to send me over the edge. One day POW right in the kisser from good ole mom who just lost her remaining nerve!
Poor Bill has to play referee some days cause I just loose it and start arguing back. Any who, I had a job interview yesterday...keep your fingers crossed. Its for a job at a local clothing store...retail
but i have to finish my schooling before anyone will hire me as a welder
but I guess selling hot chicks clothes all day can had its advantages
See there we go back to a better mood already
Just needed a brief bitch session and I'll better
See told ya I'm loosing it...I have to admit she is a strong willed, smart, funny, & beautiful girl...Of course she is she's MY kiddo
She is just like me doesnt take shit from anyone and isnt afraid to tell you how she really feels. HEHEHE she is destended for greatness if I let her live past 12yrs old. Oh well enough bitching from is everyone else doing these days? Talk to you all later
Please Help Lord cause I'm gonna strangle her soon. OMG she is driving me nuts...there isnt a waking moment that she is not arguing with me and telling me I am wrong. I just want to hang her up by her toes and leave her there...kidding just kidding...but she IS driving me totaly insane. Instead of simply answering me yes/no she has to create an arguement about something as stupid as brushing her teeth. It like no matter what I say its wrong or some how I am attacking her and telling her she is wrong when all I said was its time to brush your teeth so you dont miss the bus (AGAIN THIS MORNING). I mean come on how hard is it to just say, "Ok Mom I'm coming, or I will be right there?" instead of "Gosh stop yelling at me or Gosh I'm doing it!" with a serious mouthy attitude while still sitting on the couch. I tell ya these pre-teen ages are about to send me over the edge. One day POW right in the kisser from good ole mom who just lost her remaining nerve!

I guess Im lucky.... My two boy fear Me. whenever they get out of hand all anyone has to do is pick up the phone and say "want me to call your dad??" and they straighten right up.
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