Ahhhh sunshine
I'm so glad the sun is out all this rainy cloudy weather has made me seriously depressed. I think I have a very confused woodpecker in my back yard
Instead of flying to one of the 20 trees I have in the yard he flies to the top of my shed and decides the do his little pecking thing on the gutter???? and let me tell you at 6am it sounds like a jack hammer is in my back yard...he is worse than having a rooster crowing when the sun rises. It never fails every morning around 6am he does this...I've even tried telling him that the trees would be much better than a metal gutter but he's not listening to me. Oh my yellow rose bush has bloomed and it is beautiful...tons of tiny yellow rosebuds...I love my gardens and I love to garden. It about one of the most relaxing things to do besides snuggeling on the couch in a nice warm blanket and taking a nap
which I did a lot of yesterday
Well I am off to go get my hair cut then go to work...have a great day everyone...kisses