Blahhhhhh yesterday sucked ass at work...I hurt my shoulder and now its all stiff and sore...I pulled a muscle moving some damn boxes of tide...or atleast thats what I think I did. It hurts to move it or to reach and its all swollen. I had ice on it all night and took motrin but its not helping...I guess I should go see the dr. Oh well...then my day time girl didnt show up for work...and the other three "oncall" girls had some damn excuse as to why they couldnt come my day was spent running register and being seriously pissed off. It really sucks being the boss sometimes...and my biggest complaint is where has everyones sense of work ethic gone? All these kids want to get paid but all they want to do is stand around with their thumb up their ass looking like they dont know what they are doing.
It drives me insane that we work our asses off and they think they can come to work and chit chat all night, or not show up and not call, or give me some lame ass excuse why they cant show up & trust me you know when they are lying. Oh well I am off to work now fun fun later guys...see ya