Ahhh I've been so lazy this weekend
I went out Fri. night to Salisbury with some friends and had to many margiritas
but damn they were so good. The food was awsome and we had a blast. Then yesterday i stayed in my pj's all day and we had a Lord of the Rings marathon...watched all 3 one right after the other...today I am just sitting on the couch (did shower today
) surfing the net and listening to the four kids who are all sugared up on tootsie rolls & playing play station. Good grief if I had half their energy. Bill is off playing poker with the boys
he won $600.00 in a poker game Fri. night
i am never that lucky...I've learned how to play & love it just not to good at it. Its a beautiful day today...went outside briefly for a smoke...perfect fall morning
Well have a great sunday everyone. Kisses

send me email..... I will tell you why
hello 360 i saw you under there and wanted to say hi on here.