Beyond mind, there is an awareness that is intrinsic, that is not given to you by the outside, and is not an idea -- and there is no experiment up to now that has found any center in the brain which corresponds to awareness. The whole work of meditation is to make you aware of all that is "mind" and disidentify yourself from it. That very separation is the greatest revolution that can happen to man.
Now you can do and act on only that which makes you more joyous, fulfills you, gives you contentment, makes your life a work of art, a beauty. But this is possible only if the master in you is awake. Right now the master is fast asleep. And the mind, the servant, is playing the role of master. And the servant is created by the outside world, it follows the outside world and its laws.
Once your awareness becomes a flame, it burns up the whole slavery that the mind has created. There is no blissfulness more precious than freedom, than being a master of your own destiny.
Osho From the False to the Truth Chapter 7
The Master in Zen is not a master over others, but a master of himself --and this self-mastery is reflected in his every gesture and his every word. He is not a teacher with a doctrine to impart, nor a supernatural messenger with a direct line to God, but simply one who has become a living example of the highest potential that lies within each and every human being. In the eyes of the Master, a disciple finds his own truth reflected. In the silence of the Master's presence, the disciple can fall more easily into the silence of his own being. The community of seekers that arises around a Master becomes an energy field that supports each unique individual in finding his or her own inner light. Once that light is found, the disciple comes to understand that the outer Master was just a catalyst, a device to provoke the awakening of the inner.
I don't care that you think my approach or argument is weak. The jokes on you buddy cuase it's obviously you who's taking this way too serious. Protect the innocent? Great Warrior? Claptrap? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhttttt. You go buddy, save me with you well philosiphised argument.
Our approaches differ in that I'm not a bigot. You'll say every is everything, expect paedophiles. Defend the innocent, go to war, it's your duty. What's so great about democracy. What democracy. It's just capitilism with some democratic flourishes to masses drone like.
It's good to take a romantic approach even consider yourself a great warrior, but it seems you "defend' life only as far as you want. Normal. We all at certain stages of our own evolution, unFolding. Oh there's that unfolding he can't use that word the universe just is.
Take it easy. Hope my argument was extra bad this time.
Ya gotta love Ghandi even more. He'd look good with a gun. And no I didn't know he sed that. I figured he'd not have that approach as he hung out with Yogananda. But what ever will be will be. ARRR!!!"
how am I a bigot? peadophilia is bad. you can't prove it is a good action. so why the blasie don't harsh thier mellow attitude? you remind me of a 13 year old anarchist who read a few communist flyers. you are really taking this way to persoanlly you need to seperate the argument from your self worth.
and you keep making these incredulous claims about very important and proven ideas that better mankind. so democracy isn't good enough for you? what would you rather have?
back in 2000 I went to DC for the imf protests and on the way back we visted Arlington national cemetary. Arlington is a very special place for me. I had an Uncle at Chosen Resovior, my dad was draft and sent to vietnam, another great uncle at Iwo Jima and supposedly a granfather and great grand father in the two world wars. I havn't signed up but I have promised to if there is a draft. so when I walk among the soldiers who died in the service of the republic it is important to me. it is a communion. and I had this kid with me named justice and justice responded to my respect of the place with something like, alot of idiots who died for nothing. justice thought he knew and for all his yoga and herbal remedies and fuzzy wamr belief he was full of shit to me forever after because he said that.
so this whole exchange is really about you talking about peadophilla as if it was an academic idea like the nature of black holes or what happens if you go back in time and meet yourself. but peadophillia is real and it has conseqeunces and you marginilise them while pushing forward a culteral/moral relativity argument which cannot be defended once you look at the common good. that is what this is about.
You are not argueing coherently. your argument is tied to the ego.
and if you had said I knew a peadophille once and he had goten better and he was my friend and taught me things that is a personal experince that hold at least an iota of wieght. I hope that true and not made up out of convience. but instead you tried to come from an absolute opinion on the subject.
Your diction is poor, your arguments weak and often emotional appeals or ad homen attacks. you should study logic and plato's dialouges.
at the moment you are not worth talking to because you are not laying out what you think, rather you are trying for points. and that is sad. you are being intelectually dishonest.
"He's a great guy, nothing bad about him at all."
except by the name peadophile he has commited an act of sexual violence against an innocent. or maybe he just looked at pictures. you are being vauge about his status I think to draw me in the clarify his status to score a point on me. perhaps not but this is the feeling I get from your style.
"It's an individual thing. That's why it can't be judged. Every human is as deep as the next."
We must have a general structure of justice which applies the same to each person. that is equality when everyone is treated the same. It can be judged by objective legal criteria especially in the sentanceing phase and personal depth has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. moral realativty does not belong in the justice system.
you have lost this contest. any further attempts to rebutte useing your previous inadequate imature style will be responded to with thank you for your comments. if you however begin to contruct points with supporting information I will again engage. thank you for the discussion, via con dios.