Obviously life is odd.
Things feel clear today.
Not that I could out it into words.
Just seem to be enjoying myself
laughing @ all the things I've taken so seriously
Found some great books
Didn't rush
A woman doesn't bring freedom
Nice to have a friend, sure
But expectations.
I expect a lot from friends and I'm so occuppied with myself right now.
Suicide Girls has been a great place to chart and express.
Solidify and let go.
I've noted a grand sincerety from people here.
I have been very cynical, so sincerety bekons after the drought.
who am I when there is silence?
Do I cease?
Or is it just I as perceived by you
or the you I percieve you to perceive me as.
All perceptions are created from the self and ultimately, um
the great unkown I guess.
Fucken algebra

Things feel clear today.
Not that I could out it into words.
Just seem to be enjoying myself
laughing @ all the things I've taken so seriously
Found some great books
Didn't rush
A woman doesn't bring freedom
Nice to have a friend, sure
But expectations.
I expect a lot from friends and I'm so occuppied with myself right now.
Suicide Girls has been a great place to chart and express.
Solidify and let go.
I've noted a grand sincerety from people here.
I have been very cynical, so sincerety bekons after the drought.
who am I when there is silence?
Do I cease?
Or is it just I as perceived by you
or the you I percieve you to perceive me as.
All perceptions are created from the self and ultimately, um
the great unkown I guess.
Fucken algebra


Sincerely yours