Had a pretty bloody good day.
Paid some $$ off Mums credit card. Put some great pants on layby with my bro's b'day prez voucher. Ate @ the infamous Sri Chinmoy Cafe. When I left I turned to shut the door and saw two of the girls gawking out from the kitchen smiling cheeky smiles. Somethhings up. I should just ask her out.
But what will happen?
Bought a Sri Chinmoy book "KUNDALINI The Mother-power". Well you'd probably be able to find a Sri Chinmoy centre pretty easy if you're interested.
Om Namaha Shivaya
Paid some $$ off Mums credit card. Put some great pants on layby with my bro's b'day prez voucher. Ate @ the infamous Sri Chinmoy Cafe. When I left I turned to shut the door and saw two of the girls gawking out from the kitchen smiling cheeky smiles. Somethhings up. I should just ask her out.
But what will happen?
Bought a Sri Chinmoy book "KUNDALINI The Mother-power". Well you'd probably be able to find a Sri Chinmoy centre pretty easy if you're interested.
Om Namaha Shivaya

I think I'd rather ask one of them out right. A few months ago I had confidence oozing out my earballs. But this woman is like the woman of my dreams. That which has been the idea for nearly 2 yrs now. Now it's here I'm freakin' the fuck out!!!!
Your all right of course. I'll just drop into Kmart and get me some balls on the way.
Thanks, you're awesome.