Wow! A simple happy b'day wish goes a long way!But there's wit attached to these, and more from the Yummy one. I'm at Maitreya's. Meditating. 6hr drive thru one of the most beautiful passes in the world. Laughing to tears. Brilliant.
Must share Osho
The whole work of a mystery school is in how to bring consciousness to the disciple, how to wake him up, how to allow him to be himself, because the whole world is trying to make him somebody else.
There, nobody is interested in you, in your potential, in your reality, in your being. Everybody has his own vested interest, even those who love you. Don't be angry at them; they are as much victims as you are. They are as unconscious as you are. They think what they are doing is love; what they are really doing is destructive. And love is never destructive.
Either love is or is not. But love brings with it all possiblities of creativity, all dimensions of creativity. It brings with it freedom, and the greatest freedom in the world is that a person should be allowed to be himself.
But neither the parents nor the neighbors nor the educational system nor the church nor the political leadership - nobody wants you to be yourself because that is the most dangerous thing for them. People who are themselves cannot be enslaved. They have tasted freedom, you cannot drag them back into slavery.
So it is better not to allow them to taste freedom, their own being, their potential, their possibility, their future, their genius. Their whole life they will grope in the darkness, asking for guidance from the blind people, asking for answers from those who know nothing about existence, who know nothing about themselves. But they are pretenders - are called leaders, preachers, saints, mahatmas. They themselves don't know who they are. But there are these cunning people all around, exploiting the simple, the innocent, poisoning their minds with beliefs of which they themselves are not certain.
The function of a mystery school is that the master - speaking or in silence, looking at you or making a gesture, or just sitting with closed eyes - manages to create a certain field of energy. And if you are receptive, if you are available, if you are ready to go on the journey of the unknown, something clicks and you are no longer the old person.
You have seen something which before you had only heard about - and hearing about it does not create conviction but creates doubt. Because it is so is not logical, it is not rational, it is not intellectual. But once you have seen it, once you have been showered by the energy of the master, a new being is born. Your old life is finished.
I best say the above is from Osho's 'Osho Upanishad'. I am not so able as the above may imply. I's from the second and last page I read of the book. It's enuff. Knowledge and wisdom only go as far as one applies it.
Must share Osho
The whole work of a mystery school is in how to bring consciousness to the disciple, how to wake him up, how to allow him to be himself, because the whole world is trying to make him somebody else.
There, nobody is interested in you, in your potential, in your reality, in your being. Everybody has his own vested interest, even those who love you. Don't be angry at them; they are as much victims as you are. They are as unconscious as you are. They think what they are doing is love; what they are really doing is destructive. And love is never destructive.
Either love is or is not. But love brings with it all possiblities of creativity, all dimensions of creativity. It brings with it freedom, and the greatest freedom in the world is that a person should be allowed to be himself.
But neither the parents nor the neighbors nor the educational system nor the church nor the political leadership - nobody wants you to be yourself because that is the most dangerous thing for them. People who are themselves cannot be enslaved. They have tasted freedom, you cannot drag them back into slavery.
So it is better not to allow them to taste freedom, their own being, their potential, their possibility, their future, their genius. Their whole life they will grope in the darkness, asking for guidance from the blind people, asking for answers from those who know nothing about existence, who know nothing about themselves. But they are pretenders - are called leaders, preachers, saints, mahatmas. They themselves don't know who they are. But there are these cunning people all around, exploiting the simple, the innocent, poisoning their minds with beliefs of which they themselves are not certain.
The function of a mystery school is that the master - speaking or in silence, looking at you or making a gesture, or just sitting with closed eyes - manages to create a certain field of energy. And if you are receptive, if you are available, if you are ready to go on the journey of the unknown, something clicks and you are no longer the old person.
You have seen something which before you had only heard about - and hearing about it does not create conviction but creates doubt. Because it is so is not logical, it is not rational, it is not intellectual. But once you have seen it, once you have been showered by the energy of the master, a new being is born. Your old life is finished.
I best say the above is from Osho's 'Osho Upanishad'. I am not so able as the above may imply. I's from the second and last page I read of the book. It's enuff. Knowledge and wisdom only go as far as one applies it.
and thank you for my wishes as well! i hope your day was good and that the next year proves to be the same!
[Edited on Sep 30, 2004 1:02PM]