This one goes out to the X. A combined effort. Love to ya.
SUPREMETIST ZENLIST ~ Violet Flame & Sai Ch'i (Another previous name)
Auspicious* pernicious* avaricious* delicious* suspicious* fictitious* malicious* fishes* wishes* kissers* missers* vicious* bliss* is* dis* missed* list* sabatacalist* incist* alpha* battle* ist* eine kleine* decliner* meine* one liner* openheimer* my refiner* open eyener* eyeliner* entwiner* frontliner* stay behind the safety liner* spam designer* divine finder* minder* body grinder* grand definer* abattiorkinder* a quick reminder* sit back and recliner* pants on fire! liar never minder* the seeker shal finder* pyre tuck* OH desire* drowning in the mire* you have retired* how dire! sizzling lard of the friar* gristle* gristling and crackling* attacking* over-reacting* subtracting* hacking* distracting* lacking* kiddie smacking* tearing tears* teary tears* Terry bears* hairy pears*gerry stares* starey jeers* too many beers* not enuff cares* trips and lairs* reality flares* reers and leers* prepares to scare* don't despair* scars endear* the truth is clothed* the truth is bare* the truth is near* the truth is hear:
one love
SUPREMETIST ZENLIST ~ Violet Flame & Sai Ch'i (Another previous name)
Auspicious* pernicious* avaricious* delicious* suspicious* fictitious* malicious* fishes* wishes* kissers* missers* vicious* bliss* is* dis* missed* list* sabatacalist* incist* alpha* battle* ist* eine kleine* decliner* meine* one liner* openheimer* my refiner* open eyener* eyeliner* entwiner* frontliner* stay behind the safety liner* spam designer* divine finder* minder* body grinder* grand definer* abattiorkinder* a quick reminder* sit back and recliner* pants on fire! liar never minder* the seeker shal finder* pyre tuck* OH desire* drowning in the mire* you have retired* how dire! sizzling lard of the friar* gristle* gristling and crackling* attacking* over-reacting* subtracting* hacking* distracting* lacking* kiddie smacking* tearing tears* teary tears* Terry bears* hairy pears*gerry stares* starey jeers* too many beers* not enuff cares* trips and lairs* reality flares* reers and leers* prepares to scare* don't despair* scars endear* the truth is clothed* the truth is bare* the truth is near* the truth is hear:
one love

2006 it is. I was thinking of going to Antarctica in 2005 anyway....