Well, Roots fest was quite brill. Trinity Roots and Shapeshifter totally blew me away. A Uk DnB Dj Digital came on after Shapeshifter. He was good but Damn! I don't know what's going on in the rest of the world with Dnb live acts but Shapeshifter are pure joy. Great build ups, the most genuine soulful mc, talking nothing but love and joy and never...
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"I sed some "personal" things only in taking the piss out of your approach.
I don't care that you think my approach or argument is weak. The jokes on you buddy cuase it's obviously you who's taking this way too serious. Protect the innocent? Great Warrior? Claptrap? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhttttt. You go buddy, save me with you well philosiphised argument.
Our approaches differ in that I'm not a bigot. You'll say every is everything, expect paedophiles. Defend the innocent, go to war, it's your duty. What's so great about democracy. What democracy. It's just capitilism with some democratic flourishes to masses drone like.
It's good to take a romantic approach even consider yourself a great warrior, but it seems you "defend' life only as far as you want. Normal. We all at certain stages of our own evolution, unFolding. Oh there's that unfolding he can't use that word the universe just is.
Take it easy. Hope my argument was extra bad this time.
Ya gotta love Ghandi even more. He'd look good with a gun. And no I didn't know he sed that. I figured he'd not have that approach as he hung out with Yogananda. But what ever will be will be. ARRR!!!"
how am I a bigot? peadophilia is bad. you can't prove it is a good action. so why the blasie don't harsh thier mellow attitude? you remind me of a 13 year old anarchist who read a few communist flyers. you are really taking this way to persoanlly you need to seperate the argument from your self worth.
and you keep making these incredulous claims about very important and proven ideas that better mankind. so democracy isn't good enough for you? what would you rather have?
back in 2000 I went to DC for the imf protests and on the way back we visted Arlington national cemetary. Arlington is a very special place for me. I had an Uncle at Chosen Resovior, my dad was draft and sent to vietnam, another great uncle at Iwo Jima and supposedly a granfather and great grand father in the two world wars. I havn't signed up but I have promised to if there is a draft. so when I walk among the soldiers who died in the service of the republic it is important to me. it is a communion. and I had this kid with me named justice and justice responded to my respect of the place with something like, alot of idiots who died for nothing. justice thought he knew and for all his yoga and herbal remedies and fuzzy wamr belief he was full of shit to me forever after because he said that.
so this whole exchange is really about you talking about peadophilla as if it was an academic idea like the nature of black holes or what happens if you go back in time and meet yourself. but peadophillia is real and it has conseqeunces and you marginilise them while pushing forward a culteral/moral relativity argument which cannot be defended once you look at the common good. that is what this is about.
I don't care that you think my approach or argument is weak. The jokes on you buddy cuase it's obviously you who's taking this way too serious. Protect the innocent? Great Warrior? Claptrap? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhttttt. You go buddy, save me with you well philosiphised argument.
Our approaches differ in that I'm not a bigot. You'll say every is everything, expect paedophiles. Defend the innocent, go to war, it's your duty. What's so great about democracy. What democracy. It's just capitilism with some democratic flourishes to masses drone like.
It's good to take a romantic approach even consider yourself a great warrior, but it seems you "defend' life only as far as you want. Normal. We all at certain stages of our own evolution, unFolding. Oh there's that unfolding he can't use that word the universe just is.
Take it easy. Hope my argument was extra bad this time.
Ya gotta love Ghandi even more. He'd look good with a gun. And no I didn't know he sed that. I figured he'd not have that approach as he hung out with Yogananda. But what ever will be will be. ARRR!!!"
how am I a bigot? peadophilia is bad. you can't prove it is a good action. so why the blasie don't harsh thier mellow attitude? you remind me of a 13 year old anarchist who read a few communist flyers. you are really taking this way to persoanlly you need to seperate the argument from your self worth.
and you keep making these incredulous claims about very important and proven ideas that better mankind. so democracy isn't good enough for you? what would you rather have?
back in 2000 I went to DC for the imf protests and on the way back we visted Arlington national cemetary. Arlington is a very special place for me. I had an Uncle at Chosen Resovior, my dad was draft and sent to vietnam, another great uncle at Iwo Jima and supposedly a granfather and great grand father in the two world wars. I havn't signed up but I have promised to if there is a draft. so when I walk among the soldiers who died in the service of the republic it is important to me. it is a communion. and I had this kid with me named justice and justice responded to my respect of the place with something like, alot of idiots who died for nothing. justice thought he knew and for all his yoga and herbal remedies and fuzzy wamr belief he was full of shit to me forever after because he said that.
so this whole exchange is really about you talking about peadophilla as if it was an academic idea like the nature of black holes or what happens if you go back in time and meet yourself. but peadophillia is real and it has conseqeunces and you marginilise them while pushing forward a culteral/moral relativity argument which cannot be defended once you look at the common good. that is what this is about.
"Damn why is it my examples work so much better than yours? "
You are not argueing coherently. your argument is tied to the ego.
and if you had said I knew a peadophille once and he had goten better and he was my friend and taught me things that is a personal experince that hold at least an iota of wieght. I hope that true and not made up out of convience. but instead you tried to come from an absolute opinion on the subject.
Your diction is poor, your arguments weak and often emotional appeals or ad homen attacks. you should study logic and plato's dialouges.
at the moment you are not worth talking to because you are not laying out what you think, rather you are trying for points. and that is sad. you are being intelectually dishonest.
"He's a great guy, nothing bad about him at all."
except by the name peadophile he has commited an act of sexual violence against an innocent. or maybe he just looked at pictures. you are being vauge about his status I think to draw me in the clarify his status to score a point on me. perhaps not but this is the feeling I get from your style.
"It's an individual thing. That's why it can't be judged. Every human is as deep as the next."
We must have a general structure of justice which applies the same to each person. that is equality when everyone is treated the same. It can be judged by objective legal criteria especially in the sentanceing phase and personal depth has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. moral realativty does not belong in the justice system.
you have lost this contest. any further attempts to rebutte useing your previous inadequate imature style will be responded to with thank you for your comments. if you however begin to contruct points with supporting information I will again engage. thank you for the discussion, via con dios.
You are not argueing coherently. your argument is tied to the ego.
and if you had said I knew a peadophille once and he had goten better and he was my friend and taught me things that is a personal experince that hold at least an iota of wieght. I hope that true and not made up out of convience. but instead you tried to come from an absolute opinion on the subject.
Your diction is poor, your arguments weak and often emotional appeals or ad homen attacks. you should study logic and plato's dialouges.
at the moment you are not worth talking to because you are not laying out what you think, rather you are trying for points. and that is sad. you are being intelectually dishonest.
"He's a great guy, nothing bad about him at all."
except by the name peadophile he has commited an act of sexual violence against an innocent. or maybe he just looked at pictures. you are being vauge about his status I think to draw me in the clarify his status to score a point on me. perhaps not but this is the feeling I get from your style.
"It's an individual thing. That's why it can't be judged. Every human is as deep as the next."
We must have a general structure of justice which applies the same to each person. that is equality when everyone is treated the same. It can be judged by objective legal criteria especially in the sentanceing phase and personal depth has nothing to do with guilt or innocence. moral realativty does not belong in the justice system.
you have lost this contest. any further attempts to rebutte useing your previous inadequate imature style will be responded to with thank you for your comments. if you however begin to contruct points with supporting information I will again engage. thank you for the discussion, via con dios.
Thanks to raysenberry for most of this journal entry
A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends...
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A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie:
2. a book:
3. a musical artist, song, or album:
(B) I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want.
(C) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends...
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Big balls for answering my questions.
I was being filpant.
i like the girl story and the car story is typical, get through the difficult driving to fuck up at the end.
All the best mate, big love to ya

I was being filpant.

i like the girl story and the car story is typical, get through the difficult driving to fuck up at the end.
All the best mate, big love to ya
Well thanks for th post mate, made me laugh.
1. Intoxicants.
Fact is they are not good for you. I don`t drink, I smoke, I smoke pot, drink coffee and love chocolate and food. I`m weak in denying myself anything i like.
When you smoke pot, for a lot off people there are side effects, and for some, psycotic episodes, but those things don`t tend to bother me, maybe cause I`ve been smoking so long. Intitially (uni days) when I took various drugs (speed, pills, acid, coke) I think these things did expand my mind, but only the first time I took them. they are like anything, a new experience. Personally they all were a distant second to Sky Diving, which was the most intense experience of my life bare none. Why do people do these things then? To escape, to make things better, to fit in and so many other reasons.
So why do i still smoke? I feel it doesn`t alter me beyond reason, and i like the feeling. I have to do a lot in my life i don`t want to do, so when i can I smoke. lame really, but that`s me.
Why am I so genuine?
I`m not. There are so many people in my life that i have to put up a front for that with friends I just don`t see the point. Love me or leave me, I am what i am, and i like myself. I don`t believe in dishonesty, but i will be dishonest if I have to be (for example my girl would freak if she knew about this site. I need an outlet because of our situation, so I don`t worry about it. I just care about people, humanity, so if i can help or whatever, all the better. After all, aren`t people the only thing worth living for? Isn`t your life defined by your relationships, even to strangers? it would be a dull world without companionship. On the other hand I like being alone to, but I always get the feeling at some point that it would be nice to see so and so. I hope that answers your question.
Today has been manic, getting ready for a sales trip to finland and just so much to do. Will I get it all done? Not if I keep gabbing on here, so i`m signing off now.
All the best mate. Thanks for the post.
1. Intoxicants.
Fact is they are not good for you. I don`t drink, I smoke, I smoke pot, drink coffee and love chocolate and food. I`m weak in denying myself anything i like.
When you smoke pot, for a lot off people there are side effects, and for some, psycotic episodes, but those things don`t tend to bother me, maybe cause I`ve been smoking so long. Intitially (uni days) when I took various drugs (speed, pills, acid, coke) I think these things did expand my mind, but only the first time I took them. they are like anything, a new experience. Personally they all were a distant second to Sky Diving, which was the most intense experience of my life bare none. Why do people do these things then? To escape, to make things better, to fit in and so many other reasons.
So why do i still smoke? I feel it doesn`t alter me beyond reason, and i like the feeling. I have to do a lot in my life i don`t want to do, so when i can I smoke. lame really, but that`s me.
Why am I so genuine?
I`m not. There are so many people in my life that i have to put up a front for that with friends I just don`t see the point. Love me or leave me, I am what i am, and i like myself. I don`t believe in dishonesty, but i will be dishonest if I have to be (for example my girl would freak if she knew about this site. I need an outlet because of our situation, so I don`t worry about it. I just care about people, humanity, so if i can help or whatever, all the better. After all, aren`t people the only thing worth living for? Isn`t your life defined by your relationships, even to strangers? it would be a dull world without companionship. On the other hand I like being alone to, but I always get the feeling at some point that it would be nice to see so and so. I hope that answers your question.
Today has been manic, getting ready for a sales trip to finland and just so much to do. Will I get it all done? Not if I keep gabbing on here, so i`m signing off now.
All the best mate. Thanks for the post.

That was well worth it. 6hr drive. meditation with ol' enlightened 1. weird goss. river. rain. sun. freinds. 6hr drive.
I'm in Auckland.
Hi mate, hope you had a good one.
I had a couple of 6 hrs drives to, to and from scotland!
Catch up soon.
I had a couple of 6 hrs drives to, to and from scotland!
Catch up soon.
Well some things seem not as they is. And such was Christmas. All in all loving a meeting wif an old friend. Life's a grand journey. What will happen next?
Going to Maitreya's for New Years. thought about seeing Shapeshifter but I'll see at the roots fest. and smoky club/pubs kinda suck. Gimme an open field any day.
Welcome challenges, enjoy every moment.

Going to Maitreya's for New Years. thought about seeing Shapeshifter but I'll see at the roots fest. and smoky club/pubs kinda suck. Gimme an open field any day.
Welcome challenges, enjoy every moment.
These three things are to be taken note of: the lowest love is sex - it is physical - and the highest refinement of love is compassion. Sex is below love, compassion is above love; love is exactly in the middle.
Very few people know what love is. Ninety-nine percent of people, unfortunately, think sexuality is love - it is not. Sexuality is very animal;...
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Very few people know what love is. Ninety-nine percent of people, unfortunately, think sexuality is love - it is not. Sexuality is very animal;...
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yes i ..........

I like wolverine also, that was gonna be my 2nd fav.

I don't know. Honest. I was just pretending


Cheers mate, I`m filling up here!
You too are very special. Catch you in the new year, thanks for all the great thoughts, advice and support this year.

You too are very special. Catch you in the new year, thanks for all the great thoughts, advice and support this year.
I missed it as I was most interested in what the drug addled RainbowElf (I'm joking, people) had to say for himself. But I just noted Surreal78's comment.The thing that's making me smile is that my post was about the benefits of being a fool and I swear on my Grandmothers left ankle that he endeavoured to make a fool of me.
It's days...
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It's days...
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Praise Abba!!!
Neo-Sufi Chant to Abba:
"Abba abba abba
Neo-Sufi Chant to Abba:
"Abba abba abba

don't be mad. I appreciate your words. I am in a struggle. Anyone who help counts. My mind loves THC. Put's me away from the realness of reality.
I soon hope to be free from my shackles. I am weak. Being born into a body which is unable to produce correct amounts of Testerone has left me confused. THC gives Light on my struggle, yet Darkness has covered my reality. I haven't became an evil man. Just bitter.
If you beleive I can with stand the blunt of every joke about balls and size. Then maybe I can live without a stimulate for happiness. As for now I cry to god.. It is possible that I have a gift. Maybe IT hears my crys and shows me signs of how it could all be changed
Understand if you were to have hardly a man's figure, you would also look for a way out of your body. Maybe not. Most will never understand the Dark Reality I might face.
I use THC to open the Darkness to allow light in. I should really give the Darkness a go. Become.......
I soon hope to be free from my shackles. I am weak. Being born into a body which is unable to produce correct amounts of Testerone has left me confused. THC gives Light on my struggle, yet Darkness has covered my reality. I haven't became an evil man. Just bitter.
If you beleive I can with stand the blunt of every joke about balls and size. Then maybe I can live without a stimulate for happiness. As for now I cry to god.. It is possible that I have a gift. Maybe IT hears my crys and shows me signs of how it could all be changed
Understand if you were to have hardly a man's figure, you would also look for a way out of your body. Maybe not. Most will never understand the Dark Reality I might face.
I use THC to open the Darkness to allow light in. I should really give the Darkness a go. Become.......

A fool is one who goes on trusting; a fool is one who goes on trusting against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you. Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is...
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In my analogy of the broken leg, I said the world had a broken leg. That means the world is wounded, not me. I am a healthy hand that heals. It just so happens that I am part of the whole body, and that in the whole there is a broken leg. Therefore, rather than disconnect myself from the rest of the body and forget about the leg, I choose to help heal the leg, knowing that it is still a part of me, whether I'm at the other side of the body or not.
I do realize that drugs are obviously not your path, but they are a path for many, and so should not be judged or overlooked. For some masochism is a path (that of the Fakirs), and yet many would judge it as a negative one, because in their minds they judge pain as negative. Yet a buddhist vipassana practitioner would tell you that pain is only intense sensation and no more positive or negative than a mild sensation of itching.
Nothing has meaning in this world except that which we give meaning to.
I do realize that drugs are obviously not your path, but they are a path for many, and so should not be judged or overlooked. For some masochism is a path (that of the Fakirs), and yet many would judge it as a negative one, because in their minds they judge pain as negative. Yet a buddhist vipassana practitioner would tell you that pain is only intense sensation and no more positive or negative than a mild sensation of itching.
Nothing has meaning in this world except that which we give meaning to.
I know the world isn't broken. It is just an analogy. Technically I would say that a broken leg would not mean that a person is broken either, just that a certain part of them had been altered in a way that caused things to function at a lesser capacity than full potential. And yes, change is the only constant whether it be getting a leg broken, or the state of healing that may follow.
There is a lot of separation in the world between races, cultures, ideas, etc... it goes on and on. When people, cultures, and ideas unite there is a greater harmony, and things seem to function at a higher capacity because everyone is working toward common goals. Unity is the path of least resistance on a global scale. I can see the world uniting more and more day by day facilitated by our technologies (Internet, television, etc.) and our attitudes. Of course there is still a lot of conflict and separation, but it can't last, and it's largely caused by the older generations that haven't changed with the times and are still stuck in old patterns. But all things will change eventually.
Perhaps I am not a bodhisatva. I may be wrong about what one even is. But my passion is to help and heal the world, moving towards unity and harmony for all. From what I've read (and I can't be sure my sources are translated correctly) that is the mission of the bodhisatva's.
My first psychedelic experience involved magic mushrooms. I took them on a full moon winter solstice which I had planned to do a ritual on. I hadn't planned on doing shrooms, and I was highly resistant when my friend tried to convince me because I thought it would distract me from my spiritual practices that I had planned. I was convinced only because a girl I liked was also going to do them. During the experience however, I had brightly coloured visions of an octopus which talked to me and told me it was my spirit guide. It told me many things which I found of value, and it guided me to do some very powerful rituals that night, and it introduced me to the tree spirits and rock spirits. The experience opened me up to new ways of thinking, allowing me to let go of old patterns that weren't benefitting me anymore. I felt at one point as though I had merged with infinity and dissolved my ego. After the experience I was incredibly happy with a new passion for life. Upon repeated experiences I would see the octopus spirit again and again and it taught me many things. I started to be able to see it without the use of shrooms and still be able to communicate with it when I needed to. It would sometimes give me psychic information about things. I was still under the impression however that psychedelics were poisonous and bad (Cultural programming). I wanted to find out more.
In my first year at College I had planned to write an essay on the bad effects of hallucinogens. We needed to have cited jury journals and a lot of factual references. I couldn't find any jury journals or facts about any bad side-effects of hallucinogens aside from the fact that it could trigger schizophrenia in people whose families had a history of schizophrenia. I did however find numerous studies and research in jury journals and books on numerous benefits attributed to hallucinogens. So I changed my essay to "The Benefits of Hallucinogenic Drugs" and I got an A.
I went on to read many of the Carlos Castaneda books and connected deeply with those teachings of Don Juan. I understood, because I had experienced very similar states.
I've since studied many religions and beliefs, meditational practices and spiritual info. Practiced numerous ways of living and found a healthy balanced and ever evolving way to live peacefully and in harmony.
How's that for a long comment. hehehe
There is a lot of separation in the world between races, cultures, ideas, etc... it goes on and on. When people, cultures, and ideas unite there is a greater harmony, and things seem to function at a higher capacity because everyone is working toward common goals. Unity is the path of least resistance on a global scale. I can see the world uniting more and more day by day facilitated by our technologies (Internet, television, etc.) and our attitudes. Of course there is still a lot of conflict and separation, but it can't last, and it's largely caused by the older generations that haven't changed with the times and are still stuck in old patterns. But all things will change eventually.
Perhaps I am not a bodhisatva. I may be wrong about what one even is. But my passion is to help and heal the world, moving towards unity and harmony for all. From what I've read (and I can't be sure my sources are translated correctly) that is the mission of the bodhisatva's.
My first psychedelic experience involved magic mushrooms. I took them on a full moon winter solstice which I had planned to do a ritual on. I hadn't planned on doing shrooms, and I was highly resistant when my friend tried to convince me because I thought it would distract me from my spiritual practices that I had planned. I was convinced only because a girl I liked was also going to do them. During the experience however, I had brightly coloured visions of an octopus which talked to me and told me it was my spirit guide. It told me many things which I found of value, and it guided me to do some very powerful rituals that night, and it introduced me to the tree spirits and rock spirits. The experience opened me up to new ways of thinking, allowing me to let go of old patterns that weren't benefitting me anymore. I felt at one point as though I had merged with infinity and dissolved my ego. After the experience I was incredibly happy with a new passion for life. Upon repeated experiences I would see the octopus spirit again and again and it taught me many things. I started to be able to see it without the use of shrooms and still be able to communicate with it when I needed to. It would sometimes give me psychic information about things. I was still under the impression however that psychedelics were poisonous and bad (Cultural programming). I wanted to find out more.
In my first year at College I had planned to write an essay on the bad effects of hallucinogens. We needed to have cited jury journals and a lot of factual references. I couldn't find any jury journals or facts about any bad side-effects of hallucinogens aside from the fact that it could trigger schizophrenia in people whose families had a history of schizophrenia. I did however find numerous studies and research in jury journals and books on numerous benefits attributed to hallucinogens. So I changed my essay to "The Benefits of Hallucinogenic Drugs" and I got an A.
I went on to read many of the Carlos Castaneda books and connected deeply with those teachings of Don Juan. I understood, because I had experienced very similar states.
I've since studied many religions and beliefs, meditational practices and spiritual info. Practiced numerous ways of living and found a healthy balanced and ever evolving way to live peacefully and in harmony.

How's that for a long comment. hehehe
It's been the busiest week of my my life with 12 hr shifts all week and another 10 -12 on Sunday but I feel great. I'm normally destroyed by this time and can do little more than veg. not that I'm doing any more but at least I'm not wasted.
Sweet Saturns Return. Bring on the newness.
Sweet Saturns Return. Bring on the newness.

ah the ol'saturn return eh! i found it a bit of a fucker meself
anyhoo.....i man, that roots thang looks good, seen.
anyhoo.....i man, that roots thang looks good, seen.
To be perfectly factual the statement "Drugs are still toxic" is too vague and a huge generalization. Toxicity is for one relative to your body type and constitution. Secondly, certain drugs such as the psychedelics (Lsd, psilocybin, mescaline, etc...) are chemically similar to the neuro-transmitters serotonin (for lsd & psilocybin) and dopamine (for Mescaline). The brain identifies them as neurotransmitter precursors and judges them as safe, allowing them to cross the blood brain barrier so that it can use them for perceptual awareness. After they are used up, the drug wears off and no toxin is left in the brain. DMT is actually a chemical that IS naturally produced in our pineal glands (Center of brain hemispheres/ also the source of our crown chakra) and is important for energy transmission throughout our spinal fluids. It is also chemically similar to serotonin and to melatonin. Melatonin being the chemical released during theta brain wave states (visualization meditation or dreaming). Because of this DMT allows us to be consciously aware in the dreamtime creating a balance between left and right brain thinking, conscious and subconscious connection. In yoga, when one meditates upon the center of the brain, one can trigger the release of DMT naturally which they call the nectar of life that drips down the spine and rejuvenates the body through balanced energy circulation, (also triggered by kundalini energy arising to the crown from the root). DMT is also naturally released in the body when we are born, and when we die, or near-death experience. Most people who assume drugs are toxic, heard it from somewhere, and don't actually know the bio-chemistry behind it.
I myself am a boddhisatva, which means the higher state I seek is for the collective conscious to raise it's awareness to oneness. I, as an individual, have already attained that awareness.
Drugs may be temporary, so is meditation, but experience and knowledge gained from those states is permanent.
In a world with a wounded leg, you can either lie in bed and wait til the leg heals before getting up to walk around, or you can use crutches to move around while the leg is healing. A crutch is external, just like a drug, but it does not stop the leg from healing, and eventually you don't need the crutch anymore.
I'm not bothered at all, for this too is experience gained, and through our discussion we both expand our awareness.
You may not be aware of liberated souls encouraging drug use, but there are many, and a long history of them. Zoroastrians and the ancient Vedics had whole temples devoted to the use of Soma (Psychedelic drinks) used in ritual settings to help expand awareness, evolve consciousness, heal, etc... Actually the only culture that hasn't used psychedelics as a tool for higher perception is the Inuit, because no psychedelics grow there. In India, many yogis and buddhists are against the use of drugs, but they follow sattvic vows, which is a path of purity. The Satvic path also includes abstaining from sex and eating a very limited diet. Some tantric yogis and tantric lamas do drugs as part of their practices. Even Chogyam Trungpa a famous Tibetan teacher who wrote many books was an alcoholic and did lots of lsd. To get into the psychedelic usage of shamans from Central-south America and Africa would be to write a whole book or more. Now you know.
I myself am a boddhisatva, which means the higher state I seek is for the collective conscious to raise it's awareness to oneness. I, as an individual, have already attained that awareness.
Drugs may be temporary, so is meditation, but experience and knowledge gained from those states is permanent.
In a world with a wounded leg, you can either lie in bed and wait til the leg heals before getting up to walk around, or you can use crutches to move around while the leg is healing. A crutch is external, just like a drug, but it does not stop the leg from healing, and eventually you don't need the crutch anymore.
I'm not bothered at all, for this too is experience gained, and through our discussion we both expand our awareness.
You may not be aware of liberated souls encouraging drug use, but there are many, and a long history of them. Zoroastrians and the ancient Vedics had whole temples devoted to the use of Soma (Psychedelic drinks) used in ritual settings to help expand awareness, evolve consciousness, heal, etc... Actually the only culture that hasn't used psychedelics as a tool for higher perception is the Inuit, because no psychedelics grow there. In India, many yogis and buddhists are against the use of drugs, but they follow sattvic vows, which is a path of purity. The Satvic path also includes abstaining from sex and eating a very limited diet. Some tantric yogis and tantric lamas do drugs as part of their practices. Even Chogyam Trungpa a famous Tibetan teacher who wrote many books was an alcoholic and did lots of lsd. To get into the psychedelic usage of shamans from Central-south America and Africa would be to write a whole book or more. Now you know.