So on the way home, I'm sitting in the back of my friends car, she has the windows down and were cruising on the highway with the wind blowing acroos my body as im sitting indian style.. As were cruising doing 75mph, im sitting there and just kind of had a " out of body experience ".. For the first time in my life I felt complete tranquility.. Everything in the universe was inline and at peace.. And moments before I had this experience, I took this picture of the clouds..
Now I'm not religious by any means.. The only thing I'm a believer in is karma.. Be nice to people, go out of your way to do nice things for others, hold doors open, let someone turn in front of you from the opposite side of the road, etc.. But I'm a believer in being nice and things will come back to you 10 fold.. And after I saw that I had a complete moment of tranquility..
And today, only being listed on ebay for 23 hours, I sold my iphone for a whopping $380.00.. That made my day.. I got a new phone on saturday.. And I love it.. Things are changing, and changing for the better, or so it seems..
How was everyone else's weekend?
Heath Ledger is a more amazing actor that I thought he was, he made that movie!