ive got my tickets reserved already.. 12:01am it's on!! Thanks fandango..
So since it's summertime, around the shop we have some summertime help, and one of them is the owner's grandson.. Now yes, he is only 14, but seriously, the kid's brain is warped.. The whole family ( cause I work for a family owned business ), but the whole family is high on christ.. They're holy rollers basicly.. So yesterday I was working around the kid, and jokingly I said " Hey man, your sweating, it must be hot ".. And if you know me, I'm a smartass... So I was just joking with the kid.. He turns to me and says " I'd rather be sweating up here right now, cause I know I'm not going to be sweating for the rest of eternity!.. You see it's really easy, all you have to do is pray everyday, talk to jesus, and pray "..
And I am a person who doesn't believe in organized religion.. If that's your thing, more power to you, I'm not going to stand in the way of that.. But when your 14, and you start preaching to someone about how he's going to be spending the rest of eternity.. WTF, how can you do that to a kid.. And some of the family aren't preachy about it whatso ever.. So I just walked away, and was so perplexed at how his parents can have him so fucking warped and brainwashed.. It's fucking nuts..
On another hand... I'm psyched for August 12th! It's the begining of my sleeve(s).. Woot woot!
This wasnt much of an update, but hey...