The show was fucking awesome, from the way the pictures are, you can prolly tell that I was right up front, and oh yeah me, jimmy, and ricky, we all MET BEN WEASEL!! He loved me the most.. We went down to his radio show on saturday afternoon, and he was looking @ me the whole time, his wife was taking pictures of me, and I couldnt figure out why.. Well it turns out, HE LOVED MY MOUSTACHE!! After the show, he was selling/signing posters for the show.. I walked up and all he says is " Raleigh Fingers, how are you doing''? I just started laughing, and he's like, " I love the moustache ", and then we just shot the shit with one another for like 5-10 minutes.. Fucking awesome.. So we go back to the hotel, dropoff the posters we all got signed, and then we walked around the city trying to find a sports bar to watch the red wings/penguins game.. And we ended up back at the place we were originally, which was a sports bar.. go figure.. And Ben was sitting there watching the game, and he acknowledges me with a wave when he saw me sit down.. And then we just chilled and watched the game and grab some grub..
Sunday we woke up, ate at this english bar/restaurant, and then went to the sears tower and the field museum.. Then we ended up going back to the hotel, get the car, and drive to the show a few hours early to get some food.. We get there and Ben was doing his soundcheck when we were walking in.. Jimmy and Ricky stayed outside to smoke, and I snuck in for about 2 minutes before I got asked to leave.. Hahaha..
So were sitting there watching all the baseball games, and the bartender that was our waitress the night prior was flirting with me, and kept on smiling at me & walking bye.. Which I might add, was very gorgeous.. So were sitting there, waiting for our food, I'm drinking some pints of guinness, and Ben walked in.. He saw us sitting there at a table near the back of the restaurant, and walked up to our table, and goes " Raleigh Fingers, how are you man"?, to me & me only, didnt say anything to jimmy or ricky.. (it was like when you haven't seen an old friend in a long time, you walk up shake their hand, and start talking to them.. Thats the type of greeting it was).. But he's standing there talking to me, I was telling him how I was hoping to catch a cubs game while I was in town, and he has a friend who played for the LA Dodgers, and he had never seen Ben play before, but his friend was flying into town the next day, so he wasn't going to be able to see Ben's show.. And then we said our " see ya laters " and then went back to watching the game..
I turn to Ricky & Jimmy, and it was one of those, WTF just happened moments? Like holy shit, I can't believe that literally just happened.. So our food came, we ate, watched baseball, and I had alot of Guinness and was drunk.. You'll see soon, when Ricky is done with the video..
But then the show came around.. I'm drunk.. The 3 opening bands were awesome.. The Guts, The Leftovers, and Shot Baker.. They were really all great.. And then Ben came on, and it was fucking awesome.. One of the best shows I've ever been too.. Like 400 people tops.. Insane.. Ended it with a donut fight with the crowd, and it was awesome..
The whole weekend I got around 10-15 compliments on my moustache.. That made me feel great..

No offence to all my favorite Ohio SG'S but seriously, driving through Ohio sucks!

Nothing says, stay here with us, except the NRA.. That was our hotel..

Seeing that made me happy about the bar!

Oprah & I had a fling over the weekend.. She told me she liked dudes with flavor savers..

RAWR!! Dino attacking Soldier Field.. DA BEARS!!


Raleigh Fingers & Ben Weasel
