I figured it maybe time for an update.. I'm waiting on my tickets to arrive for the Flyers game I'm going to this saturday.. They're playing one of the biggest rivals, the Devils.. Now what comes to mind when I think about this is the scene from Seinfeld when David Puddy gears up for the Devils game, and paints his face.. I just spent about 20 minutes on youtube looking for the video, but to my very much surprise, it was not uploaded to the website.. So if you've seen the episode, you'll know what I'm talking about.. I'm taking my mother so it should be nice for her to go.. We don't spend alot of time together, so it should be fun..
I have not gotten any shopping done for x-mas what so ever.. And it is the 30th of November, and I get my wisdom teeth pulled on the 14th of December.. It is going to suck royally... I saw what my brother went through and I hope I do not far the same suffering as he did.. So I'm going to have to download alot of crap to my Ipod and just chill out, but that is if I can even bare to open my eyes and stay awake for a peiod of time with the painkillers they're going to be giving me..
Thanksgiving was well, like I expected it to be.. Very disfunctional as most family get togethers are.. Fighting, yelling, drinking, all which I didn't partake in, but somehow got drawn into someway or another.. That is a big reason why I dread the holidays.. Working with the public can be very overwhelming, people are grumpy, aholes, and down right nasty when they get around everyone else who is trying to accomplish the samething as them.. Makes for chaos out in public, as well as at home..
Being that it is so moderately warm out for this time of the season, my " friends " and I have been playing alot of hockey.. Why I label them as " friends " is because I never ever seem to hear from them unless they want something, need something, or have nothing else to do, so they settle in to call the person who they know that is just sitting around playing Tiger Woods Golf 07 and Star Wars Lego's 2.. Oh well it makes for a momentarily breath from the digital and virtual world my life is filled with anymore.. Either sitting on the computer, or playing video games..
I get my feet tattooed on the 14th of January, which I'm excited for seeing as I haven't been tattooed in so so long.. And then we shall be tattooing the other foot come the 7th of February.. Excitement occurs, and I can't wait.. Happy Gilmore has been playing alot lately on USA, enjoy the video..
Hope your all picking up what I'm putting down.. Take care..
P.S. I'm still sending out x-mas cards so if anyone wants one, message me your addres.. And you shall receive a season's greeting from the states, or Pennysylvania.. Depending on where you reside..
This is becoming an album I cn't stop listening too..

I have not gotten any shopping done for x-mas what so ever.. And it is the 30th of November, and I get my wisdom teeth pulled on the 14th of December.. It is going to suck royally... I saw what my brother went through and I hope I do not far the same suffering as he did.. So I'm going to have to download alot of crap to my Ipod and just chill out, but that is if I can even bare to open my eyes and stay awake for a peiod of time with the painkillers they're going to be giving me..
Thanksgiving was well, like I expected it to be.. Very disfunctional as most family get togethers are.. Fighting, yelling, drinking, all which I didn't partake in, but somehow got drawn into someway or another.. That is a big reason why I dread the holidays.. Working with the public can be very overwhelming, people are grumpy, aholes, and down right nasty when they get around everyone else who is trying to accomplish the samething as them.. Makes for chaos out in public, as well as at home..
Being that it is so moderately warm out for this time of the season, my " friends " and I have been playing alot of hockey.. Why I label them as " friends " is because I never ever seem to hear from them unless they want something, need something, or have nothing else to do, so they settle in to call the person who they know that is just sitting around playing Tiger Woods Golf 07 and Star Wars Lego's 2.. Oh well it makes for a momentarily breath from the digital and virtual world my life is filled with anymore.. Either sitting on the computer, or playing video games..
I get my feet tattooed on the 14th of January, which I'm excited for seeing as I haven't been tattooed in so so long.. And then we shall be tattooing the other foot come the 7th of February.. Excitement occurs, and I can't wait.. Happy Gilmore has been playing alot lately on USA, enjoy the video..
Hope your all picking up what I'm putting down.. Take care..
P.S. I'm still sending out x-mas cards so if anyone wants one, message me your addres.. And you shall receive a season's greeting from the states, or Pennysylvania.. Depending on where you reside..
This is becoming an album I cn't stop listening too..

I'm feeling better dude, thanks! How are you these days? Beware of that Toothpick guy...looks like he's stalking you 

Fuck Christmas shopping. I'm doing it all online this year.