It's cold outside.. My feet are freezing.. The cat is sneezing, chewing my hoodie's zipper.. He just sneezed on the goddamn computer monitor screen.. I didn't get tattooed last weekend, I'm dying for it to come soon.. It's been worth the year and a half 2 years I haven't been under the needle.. I have to make another pot of coffee.. I ordered a new Flyers hat finally yesterday.. Waiting sucks for packages to come.. Hopefully a package will come today for someone..
.. Hope they enjoy it.. Downloaded some Converge and Bury Your Dead for the Ipod Video.. Work was pissed at me for leaving early.. Well I'm not really in a mood to deal with that shit.. I got asked to enter a halloween costume contest at a bar, it's cash prizes.. So I opted to join in.. My brother, myself and 2 of our friends so far have decided we are going as the Village People.. I got stuck with being the Biker.. Leather chaps baby..
I saw a friend of my brother and sister in law, and well, myself too I suppose.. The last time I saw him was when things started to slip down hill right before my little nephews birthday party a few weeks ago.. And well he knew my ex would be there at the party, since she is a friend of the family still.. And well he asked how the party was, and I told him that it was ok.. And well apparently from what he heard from one of my closest friend's that I would and do consider a brother, I suppose.. Was that all I did was " hide in the basement all party long ".. Well it just pissed me off really to the point of just where I don't want to be.. You know, this is the thing for me lately with my ex and I.. We are fine when we are around each other.. When it's her and I around one another, there is no tension what so ever.. You add my parent's, her psycho mother, or anyone from a residing outside party, that didn't have there name in the title of our relationship, and it gets all fucked up.. Then comes the drama.. I've come to terms with what the relationship was, is, and would ever be.. It just pisses me off that other people just still proceed to stick there noses into what isn't even anything anymore.. The relationship doesn't exist, will it ever again, doubtful to the point I'd put money on it.. Yes, I called everything off, yes, I looked like the asshole, yes, I still look like the asshole because I lost ties with people that I knew before the relationship and they went with her.. Fine, see ya pal, just let the whole fact that there is tension between her and I go?.. If anyone should be pissed off, it should be her, I wouldn't expect anything less of the situation.. But it's just so frustrating to hear from other people, what apparent actions I supposedly took when I was around her.. The fact is, I wasn't hiding in the basement, I worked that previous night, got the goddamn party cake, went dropped it off at my brothers, went home, showered, and went back over to help set up, sorry for being exhausted, tired, and in a bad mood.. The food wasn't even cooked all the way through, so I was hungry on top of it.. Now that I have that off of my chest, you should explain the Converge and Bury Your Dead downloads..

I saw a friend of my brother and sister in law, and well, myself too I suppose.. The last time I saw him was when things started to slip down hill right before my little nephews birthday party a few weeks ago.. And well he knew my ex would be there at the party, since she is a friend of the family still.. And well he asked how the party was, and I told him that it was ok.. And well apparently from what he heard from one of my closest friend's that I would and do consider a brother, I suppose.. Was that all I did was " hide in the basement all party long ".. Well it just pissed me off really to the point of just where I don't want to be.. You know, this is the thing for me lately with my ex and I.. We are fine when we are around each other.. When it's her and I around one another, there is no tension what so ever.. You add my parent's, her psycho mother, or anyone from a residing outside party, that didn't have there name in the title of our relationship, and it gets all fucked up.. Then comes the drama.. I've come to terms with what the relationship was, is, and would ever be.. It just pisses me off that other people just still proceed to stick there noses into what isn't even anything anymore.. The relationship doesn't exist, will it ever again, doubtful to the point I'd put money on it.. Yes, I called everything off, yes, I looked like the asshole, yes, I still look like the asshole because I lost ties with people that I knew before the relationship and they went with her.. Fine, see ya pal, just let the whole fact that there is tension between her and I go?.. If anyone should be pissed off, it should be her, I wouldn't expect anything less of the situation.. But it's just so frustrating to hear from other people, what apparent actions I supposedly took when I was around her.. The fact is, I wasn't hiding in the basement, I worked that previous night, got the goddamn party cake, went dropped it off at my brothers, went home, showered, and went back over to help set up, sorry for being exhausted, tired, and in a bad mood.. The food wasn't even cooked all the way through, so I was hungry on top of it.. Now that I have that off of my chest, you should explain the Converge and Bury Your Dead downloads..

3d?!? Fuck yes. bring on the popcorn and red and blue shades!