So it seems to me that everyone goes there seperate ways after awhile.. Being that I try to keep in touch with people, people seem to keep further and further touch away from me.. No matter how many voice mail messages are left, they just go into the inbox till it gets filled up and then deleted eventually.. People either are in serious relationships, having kids, getting married, or are just to busy with their lives.. To say it feels like you've been left behind would be not so much an understatement because I've been in most of those same situations myself, exceot for the having kids part.. And yes, I will admit that it takes about 10 minutes for me to return a call, but atleast it's been returned.. Maybe it's time I just got on with my life and realize that people are people and they will return if they want too.. Yea there will be more tattoos for you to look at, because everytime we get together, that's all I'm ever asked about.. " Oh let me see your back.. " " Doesn't it bother you that I'm seeing it completely in front of me, and you will never be able too? ".. That's all I am to people, is just a goddamn tattoo post it note.. Thrown aside and sat on the shelf until you need something.. So for now enjoy yourself..
Thanks I'm Glad you like the dusty pics
