There have been many of things running through my head as of late.. How do I want to live my life, what type of lifestyle do I want to create for myself?.. What type of financial independence do I crave for myself.. After this past weekend seeing how this area takes to the tattoo lifestlye ( regardless alot of people there, were middle aged men, drunk, drunk bikers, etc ).. I think I am going to go through with my ideas that I have been pondering as of late.. I don't want to post them on here.. Incase they are actually good ones.. LOL... ( total self doubtment right there ).. But we shall see... Depressing times when you don't know where your life is going and your turning 23 in 17 days..

I hate trying to figure out stuff like makes my head hurt...I have enough trouble figuring out what I'm gonna wear each day!!

All moved! Glad to hear things are going better for you! Thanks for the heads up on that AFI song, I'm gonna check it out! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!