If you think your week was bad.
This week has been the worst week of my life.
I interview and interview but not one offer.
I had to put my dog to sleep because he was old and sick.
and to top it all off the love of my life is no longer in love.
Even though the sadness, stress, worries and anxiety are overwhelming at times
I some how have found away to get through it all.
I just hope the next two days are better
Otherwise I'm going to need lots of drugs and alcohol to get through the weekend
May everyones week be better than mine as I wouldn't wish this even on my enemies.
This week has been the worst week of my life.
I interview and interview but not one offer.
I had to put my dog to sleep because he was old and sick.
and to top it all off the love of my life is no longer in love.
Even though the sadness, stress, worries and anxiety are overwhelming at times
I some how have found away to get through it all.
I just hope the next two days are better
Otherwise I'm going to need lots of drugs and alcohol to get through the weekend
May everyones week be better than mine as I wouldn't wish this even on my enemies.

in ur situation i will take xanax or valium just to knock out myself for a while... but of course that's not the answer but what to do when things are unbearable??...so I understand ur drugs+alcohol choice
I hope things get better soon so u dont have to feel in the need to take anything but if not! remember they will...no matter how shit can look things right now... after the storm theres always the calm..
I really hope u feel lots better soon *hug*