So much has happened since I last posted!!! I am so sorry…. Ok here’s the whole year in a nut shell with many pictures to follow!! Ok…. First I got married to the most amazing woman I have ever met!! She is not only my sun to warm me but my moon to light my darkest days. I love her till the end of days. She is my calm. And helps keep the demons at bay!! With this I became a step dad to two amazing young ladies. So basically now I have 4 daughters!!😳🤦
Second went to Ireland!! Stunning country. Loved it!
Third Became a grandfather…. Papa as I am called … of the most precious little girl ever!! Forth Had not one but 2 daughters graduate college!!
5th went to Texas for 2 weeks. Great trip. Learned to surf( well kind of)
And now am awaiting my trip to Bermuda!!! So that kind of catches everyone up!! Pictures to follow!! As always… be kind, be happy becuz you deserve it!!