something beautiful is within my grasp, but she is with someone else. They have a very unhealthy relationship and she stays with him mostly because they have a child together. I now know she shares feelings for me but she does not want to imbrase them because of her situation. I love her and truely wish the best for her and her little guy. we are extremly close friends i know my arms give her comfort and my words lift her up. WHAT SHOULD I DO?
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 11, 2012
Nothing in this world scares me more than belief. -
Tuesday Dec 20, 2011
Silence will fall -
Sunday Dec 18, 2011
something beautiful is within my grasp, but she is with someone else.… -
Thursday Dec 08, 2011
The full truth of my existence is just to much to fucking handle -
Saturday Dec 03, 2011
I am all kinds of fucked up in the head! I think really need to get … -
Monday Nov 21, 2011
She is my closest friend, i love her. i dont think she could ever fee… -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2011
Why does it seam like everyone is getting cancer? -
Monday Oct 03, 2011
I desperately need a muse! -
Friday Sep 30, 2011
"and this is where I keep my various lengths of wire" Prof Farnswort… -
Tuesday Sep 27, 2011
Why can't one thing just be one thing?