No, your eyes do not decieve you. It really is a new entry. I FINALLY got my internet partially up again. My computer is on internet life support (you know, a million cords going a million different directions) but it is functioning. Soon, I will fix the router and all will be well in the world...except my USB port. *sigh* Ya win some, ya loose some. In my departure a few major things have happened:
1. I sucked it up and quit pretending that I didn't fall head over heels (god I hate cliches, but screw it) for this dance instructor. I finally just admitted the fact that we complete each other. Our weaknesses are complimented by our strengths. We give each other what we need, we give each other what we want, and we have fucking amazing sex. What more could I ask for? So, yes. I now have an official boyfriend. It's insane, I know. But so what?
2. Began school. As expected, they changed everything around in the education department and no one knows what they're doing...still. Thank God this is my last semester here. I'd start killing people...and I'd hate to have to do that.
3. My cat died
My mom called to tell me her and her girlfriends were toasting margaritas to the kitty, and did I have a toast to include. Heh. So it was a little melodramatic. But I loved that cat.
4. My fish died a few days later. Yeah. Great luck I've got going here. My guinnea pig is still alive though (hope I didn't just jynx that...).
5. I made friends with the neighbors and suddenly have a fan club. They're trying to convince me to move to L.A. and be a rock star. Heh. If only...gotta keep the day job. Gotta keep the day job. This is my mantra...
But that's mostly it. I'm outta here. There are parties to crash
1. I sucked it up and quit pretending that I didn't fall head over heels (god I hate cliches, but screw it) for this dance instructor. I finally just admitted the fact that we complete each other. Our weaknesses are complimented by our strengths. We give each other what we need, we give each other what we want, and we have fucking amazing sex. What more could I ask for? So, yes. I now have an official boyfriend. It's insane, I know. But so what?
2. Began school. As expected, they changed everything around in the education department and no one knows what they're doing...still. Thank God this is my last semester here. I'd start killing people...and I'd hate to have to do that.
3. My cat died

4. My fish died a few days later. Yeah. Great luck I've got going here. My guinnea pig is still alive though (hope I didn't just jynx that...).
5. I made friends with the neighbors and suddenly have a fan club. They're trying to convince me to move to L.A. and be a rock star. Heh. If only...gotta keep the day job. Gotta keep the day job. This is my mantra...
But that's mostly it. I'm outta here. There are parties to crash

im sorry about your cat. Theresa sends her love!