And suddenly she emerges from the depths of life....
What's up kids? I decided it's time for a bit of an update considering the millions of life changing incidents since...what? February. Geez. In chronological order...
April, 2006...a lively month. I regretfully moved back to the states from Ireland. (More on the "regretfully" part of that later...*see November 2006*.) At this point, I moved in with my boyfriend. This marked my first "live in" relationship. More on how well that went...beginning in MAY.
May, 2006...I graduated college! YAY! Lots of parties. Lots of drinking. Lots of fucking job searching. Family came to town from MAINE to celebrate with me. The weekend ended with an announcement to said visitors that I was now ENGAGED. This is where it gets fun. Despite my many requests to let us adjust back into life together (as I was just back from living on my own in a foreign country for the previous 4 months...), he proposed anyways. I said yes...more out of not wanting to say no than actually wanting to say yes. A bad sign from the beginning.
June, 2006. I start realizing why I had requested those few months of relationship adjustment...
July, 2006. I am offered a job teaching 3rd grade (my favorite age!) in town. The "in town" part is slightly depressing but I accept the job and officially display the title "3rd GRADE TEACHER". I'm still pretty proud of that
Things with Jason worsen as my success heightens...
August, 2006. A very intense month. Within the first week, I began my first REAL job with 18 ghetto ass kids who OWNED me my first week....and ended it with Jason. Why? Because he wasn't the one. In short, he was an apathetic, alcoholic pervert who I didnt feel comfortable giving children to. It's not that he was ONLY that...obviously there was SOMETHING that kept me with him all that time....but that's what I saw his traits dwindeling down to. In any case, it was a brutal start to the month....couldn't stop crying for at least 30 days, despite the fact that I knew it was the best choice. And having a horrible class as my first REAL teaching experience was certainly not helping...
September, 2006. School had settled in...chaotically. Kids were worse. I was more drained. Still upset about Jason. BUT...managed to hook back up with an old friend who I had previously dated. We were practically soul mates but the timing was all wrong before. But this time seemed just right. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship. We were both aprehensive, yet hopeful. I figured it couldn't go wrong.
October, 2006. Kids are still horrible and I start thinking about quitting my job in December. Also start thinking of moving back to Ireland...and then realize it's a terribly rash decision and I could never afford it.
November, 2006. I decide to continue my job until May...simply to "stick it to the man" and finish what I started. It's EXPERIENCE, right? I have to admit, though, the fist fights, stories of abuse, and the verbal abuse I endure from EIGHT YEAR OLDS are starting to seriously get to me. But I'm gonna make it through. Somehow. This is also the month where Blake decides he's going to be a dumbass and start being shady about his ex girlfriend and play me like some kind of whore. Some soul mate he turned out to be. Whatever. I have my future Costa Rican adopted daughter and a coffeeshop to tend to. Who needs men anyways? Oh. AND this is the month where I decide that Ireland will always be spontaneous and why not just say, "Fuck it" and go for it? I'm not one to kill a dream over details will I live? Pssshhh. I'll figure it out. So, the plan is to move back to Ireland this summer. I am actively looking for a job in County Kerry. Wish me luck!
So. That's it. The last few months in a few simple paragraphs. Hopefully I will remember to update this blog more often. How are YOU, world?
What's up kids? I decided it's time for a bit of an update considering the millions of life changing incidents since...what? February. Geez. In chronological order...
April, 2006...a lively month. I regretfully moved back to the states from Ireland. (More on the "regretfully" part of that later...*see November 2006*.) At this point, I moved in with my boyfriend. This marked my first "live in" relationship. More on how well that went...beginning in MAY.
May, 2006...I graduated college! YAY! Lots of parties. Lots of drinking. Lots of fucking job searching. Family came to town from MAINE to celebrate with me. The weekend ended with an announcement to said visitors that I was now ENGAGED. This is where it gets fun. Despite my many requests to let us adjust back into life together (as I was just back from living on my own in a foreign country for the previous 4 months...), he proposed anyways. I said yes...more out of not wanting to say no than actually wanting to say yes. A bad sign from the beginning.
June, 2006. I start realizing why I had requested those few months of relationship adjustment...
July, 2006. I am offered a job teaching 3rd grade (my favorite age!) in town. The "in town" part is slightly depressing but I accept the job and officially display the title "3rd GRADE TEACHER". I'm still pretty proud of that

August, 2006. A very intense month. Within the first week, I began my first REAL job with 18 ghetto ass kids who OWNED me my first week....and ended it with Jason. Why? Because he wasn't the one. In short, he was an apathetic, alcoholic pervert who I didnt feel comfortable giving children to. It's not that he was ONLY that...obviously there was SOMETHING that kept me with him all that time....but that's what I saw his traits dwindeling down to. In any case, it was a brutal start to the month....couldn't stop crying for at least 30 days, despite the fact that I knew it was the best choice. And having a horrible class as my first REAL teaching experience was certainly not helping...
September, 2006. School had settled in...chaotically. Kids were worse. I was more drained. Still upset about Jason. BUT...managed to hook back up with an old friend who I had previously dated. We were practically soul mates but the timing was all wrong before. But this time seemed just right. He had just gotten out of a serious relationship. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship. We were both aprehensive, yet hopeful. I figured it couldn't go wrong.
October, 2006. Kids are still horrible and I start thinking about quitting my job in December. Also start thinking of moving back to Ireland...and then realize it's a terribly rash decision and I could never afford it.
November, 2006. I decide to continue my job until May...simply to "stick it to the man" and finish what I started. It's EXPERIENCE, right? I have to admit, though, the fist fights, stories of abuse, and the verbal abuse I endure from EIGHT YEAR OLDS are starting to seriously get to me. But I'm gonna make it through. Somehow. This is also the month where Blake decides he's going to be a dumbass and start being shady about his ex girlfriend and play me like some kind of whore. Some soul mate he turned out to be. Whatever. I have my future Costa Rican adopted daughter and a coffeeshop to tend to. Who needs men anyways? Oh. AND this is the month where I decide that Ireland will always be spontaneous and why not just say, "Fuck it" and go for it? I'm not one to kill a dream over details will I live? Pssshhh. I'll figure it out. So, the plan is to move back to Ireland this summer. I am actively looking for a job in County Kerry. Wish me luck!
So. That's it. The last few months in a few simple paragraphs. Hopefully I will remember to update this blog more often. How are YOU, world?
Have any of the 3rd graders shown up packing heat yet??