I roll out of bed this morning with four hours of sleep behind me, my hair all messed up from not brushing it before i let it air dry, a minute amount of makeup on, and feeling slightly ill. Still...Mr. Express Oil man walked up to my window to tell me to pop the hood, and added, "Has anyone told you how nice you look today, mam?" He's my new favorite person. There's nothing like a nice compliment when you feel like crap...
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 02, 2005
Don't you hate it when bad relationships repeat themselves in perfect… -
Monday Aug 01, 2005
I love corn dogs. That is all. -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
Dude. Someone told me I had a nice rack. Rule. I have never in my lif… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
I killed a spider the other day with a can of roach spray. Every time… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
Motorcycle places yet another friend in the hospital. This one, thank… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
Ahh. The frustration of monorhythmic (shut up, it's a word now) , som… -
Saturday Jul 23, 2005
*squish* *squish* *splash* I wade through my apartment... -
Thursday Jul 21, 2005
This is me making a deal with myself not to drink myself stupid durin… -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
So once upon a time I got really really drunk at a downtown bar (yeah… -
Tuesday Jul 19, 2005
As obnoxious as it is to be hit on by a guy in a wrigged up junk-yard…
PS: Haven't seen you in forever.