It would be great to stay still and always as simple and clear as it was, when you were twelve or twenty years old. If the world really were only two colors: black and white ... I think, it's my dream ;)
@willy14 totally agree with you! but sometimes it wants to be just naive ...and do not try to find a trick in every situation...
Wisdom can only be gained after a loss of innocence. It's worth it. It is possible, and even advisable, to begin each day with fresh eyes ... the eyes of a beginner, a child. We develop a habit of seeking the novel or the threat and ignoring the familiar. It's inherent in our evolution and aids in survival. But we have choices and we can choose to preserve our thrill at the miracle of each sunrise and the joyful feeling of grass between our toes. We live in an incredibly abundant universe, surrounded by breath-taking beauty and witness to miracles every moment ... with every breath we take. Just as we learn to ignore the familiar beauty and ordinary miracles, we can choose to reopen our eyes and our hearts to them as well. Then, the loss of innocence will seem like the blink of an eye before we gain the wisdom of our own choices. Stop. Breathe. Choose.