so these last two weeks have been weeks from hell. i fuckin swear. So first my computer blows up....fried motherboard....fucker. Then i realize i have way too much too do in the last three weeks of school including reading a book, taking three tests, making three class presentations and writing two papers....suck...double suck. oh well, some nice computer boys helped me get a new mother board and so all is up and running again....i really wasn't avoiding, i swear....i hate technology. But i guess things couldn't get really worse....knock on wood. sigh...leave me somthing encouraging....
so these last two weeks have been weeks from hell. i fuckin swear. So first my computer blows up....fried motherboard....fucker. Then i realize i have way too much too do in the last three weeks of school including reading a book, taking three tests, making three class presentations and writing two papers....suck...double suck. oh well, some nice computer boys helped me get a new mother board and so all is up and running again....i really wasn't avoiding, i swear....i hate technology. But i guess things couldn't get really worse....knock on wood. sigh...leave me somthing encouraging....
Something encouraging.... Look at it this way, in 3 weeks, come what may, it's OVER! I just wish my commitments worked that way.