what a fucking stupid bitch.....
ok my boyfriends brother and my stupid liar friend (who ive never really liked) got engaged in november...
they move to arkansas.....
he sold his house...
left his nice paying job...
left alll his friends...
to be with her...she wanted to move to arkansas to be with her parents...LAME
she has been buggin him for the last 2 years to...
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ok my boyfriends brother and my stupid liar friend (who ive never really liked) got engaged in november...
they move to arkansas.....
he sold his house...
left his nice paying job...
left alll his friends...
to be with her...she wanted to move to arkansas to be with her parents...LAME
she has been buggin him for the last 2 years to...
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sober life fucking sucks.
knowing my luck, my shit will be dirty and i went without my love for nothing. sigh....
its funny...i dont even have the urge to drink anymore....
life is prettty dulll....
i saw talladega nights...funny. will ferrell rocks.....
im almost off my medication....no more anti-depressants for me!!! well...sooon. The last couple months coming off this shit has been hard... Constantly being...
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knowing my luck, my shit will be dirty and i went without my love for nothing. sigh....
its funny...i dont even have the urge to drink anymore....
life is prettty dulll....
i saw talladega nights...funny. will ferrell rocks.....
im almost off my medication....no more anti-depressants for me!!! well...sooon. The last couple months coming off this shit has been hard... Constantly being...
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i wanna see your pussy.....cat

i havta pass a drug test.....................
any suggestions? its in less than a week...FUCK! im a frequent smoker so i know its gona be tuff, but i need suggestions, i really want this job!
any suggestions? its in less than a week...FUCK! im a frequent smoker so i know its gona be tuff, but i need suggestions, i really want this job!

ummm i have no idea....but good luck w/ it!
thanks for liking my set OX
thats it....if i dont find a job soon, im prostituting myself. no not really....but i need another fucking job!!!!
its hard when 80% of your salary goes to fucking rent. FUCK!
so many things i need...
a new car....
more tattoos..
a nicer place to live...
denutting zombie...
anyone wanna donate? Oh yeah i need health insurance too......
so sad..
its hard when 80% of your salary goes to fucking rent. FUCK!
so many things i need...
a new car....
more tattoos..
a nicer place to live...
denutting zombie...
anyone wanna donate? Oh yeah i need health insurance too......
so sad..
oh AMEN to that
we're stuck in the same routine, rent = all
we're stuck in the same routine, rent = all
myspace is so incriminating. her ex fiance wants us to send everyone incriminating from myspace on her.
bitch is goin dooowwwnnn
and she cried to him about what i wrong on it so now i have to take it off
but she cant see this, can you bitch?!?!
oh another thing to add...she has one of his credit cards and is going out of state and taking her new bf out to dinner and expensive resteraunts....
his probation officer get his bank statements...
if they see that he went out of state
hes FUCKED...
WHORE. god i cant stand her...