i am sick of dealing with long and foster and the stupid condo people, i already want to move out and its only been 3 months. I'm basically getting fucked up the ass due to the asshole landlords who have been deliquent on payments and frequently have collection agencies knocking on the door lookin for these bum mother fuckers. long and foster pisses me off too cause they wont return my calls. I've paying for fucking rent and none of my money seems to be going where its supposed to.
I think its time for a lawyer.
I need to get the fuck out of here...break the lease, whatever. I think at this point i can sue for damages. I mean the lease is pretty much bullshit to begin with. The landlords were deliquent on payments 3 months prior to me moving in and yet still have not paid despite my many complaints. You think long and fucking foster wouldve known about this. And how dare the condo association continue to tow us when they know we (my bf and i) are renting and know what the situation is!! Friday night/Sat morning i came home and found a letter from the condo people saying we still cannot park in the designated areas. ok...so you tell me where the fuck im supposed to park then! I mean, what the hell...they waited to give me this letter before a holiday weekend and delivered it sometime after 8 when i left the house. bull fucking shit!!! I was so angry/drunk when i got home i busted a hole in the wall...theres my anger problems for ya. fuck if im gonna fix it. They can use the money i gave them to pay for it.
I LOATH long and foster.
I think its time for a lawyer.
I need to get the fuck out of here...break the lease, whatever. I think at this point i can sue for damages. I mean the lease is pretty much bullshit to begin with. The landlords were deliquent on payments 3 months prior to me moving in and yet still have not paid despite my many complaints. You think long and fucking foster wouldve known about this. And how dare the condo association continue to tow us when they know we (my bf and i) are renting and know what the situation is!! Friday night/Sat morning i came home and found a letter from the condo people saying we still cannot park in the designated areas. ok...so you tell me where the fuck im supposed to park then! I mean, what the hell...they waited to give me this letter before a holiday weekend and delivered it sometime after 8 when i left the house. bull fucking shit!!! I was so angry/drunk when i got home i busted a hole in the wall...theres my anger problems for ya. fuck if im gonna fix it. They can use the money i gave them to pay for it.
I LOATH long and foster.