reasons to why i fucking HATE INOVA Health Care:
Wednesday 8-16(afternoon): Call Fairfax and Fair Oaks INOVA to schedule an appointment for a pre-employment physical & invasion of privacy piss test. No one picks up, leave a message, voice recorder says you will get a call back within one business day.
Thursday 8-17 (evening): no response from either hospital, decide to go to Centreville INOVA for physical/invasion of privay - no appointments required and closes at 9.
Friday 8-18 (evening): get a call back from one of the INOVA places i called and they didnt know what the hell I was calling for...said "fuck them".
After work, fighting traffic to C-Ville. Sign it, tell them what I need, wait for one hour.
Nurse calls me name, bitches at me saying i need my own "physical form" provided by my employers, must come back. They say i they have the authorization from my employers, but just need more. Why did they bitch at me? I fucking waiting for an hour and you couldnt have told me this a long fucking time ago?!?! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Monday, 8-21: first day of work, tell my boss I coulkdnt have my damn physical done because I needed my own "physical form" specifying what things I need to have done. She calls human resouces in Norfolk, they send information. Go back to Cville after work, must make it there by 7 to have all stuff done. Get at metro station at 6, rush to fight traffic to INOVA so i can be there by 7. Made it. Told the same bitch at the front desk i am back. She looks for my info, Human resources sent them the same authoization again. Must come back. gRRRRRRr
I ask stupid front desk bitch if she can write me a letter stating what i need so i can show it to my boss. I mean, fuck, i just started a job and i dont want them to think bad of me on the first week. She says "NO", no, nonononoooooo" She keeps bitching at me saying "you need a physical form" like 8 times....i fucking tell her I UNDERSTAND what the fuck your saying, its not me thats getting shit screwed up...not MY fault, just write me a god damn letter stating that so i can show them exactly what i need. Nooo.....were not allowed to... ok why not??? you cant just write a fucking letter saying what happened?!?!? GERRRRRR
Curse a bunch, storm out.
sit in car, look for bosses number, go back inside.
"can you please call my boss and leave her a message stating what i need?"
"you cant just call my boss and tell them what i need"
"NO. im not allowed."
"Ok, well can i speak with someone else?"
she calls now.
Tuesday, 8-22: tell boss what happened, said they faxed over same form. She calls HR, she informs me they had called INOVA CVille asking if I need my own phyiscal form and they said that I dont need one, they have their own. This is the reason HR sent the same form over twice.
I ask the other two people who started the same day as me which clinic they went to. They both tell me Cville one and that they NEVER asked them for their own god damn mother fucking physical form. arrghghhh sooo angry. Cant go back tonight, have a 715 appointment with Dr Hurley at mason.
Wednesday, 8-23: Get off work, head back to fucking Cville to get this shit done.
traffic sucks..
Call cville 3 times, no fucking answer. finally get a hold of them and tell the same front desk bitch im coming they have my god damn mother fucking "phyisical form"...she the authorizaiton nothing else. I tell this same fucking bitch this is the 3rd time, blah blah, blah, LOOK for it, they fucking sent it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Driving in traffic with a cell phone to my face for 10 minutes...i HATe being that person
BITCH comes back on the line..
"Sarah? I had to look EVERYWHERE, but i FOUND it"
hang up...keep driving..thinking...
"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! she took 10 mintuies to look for it...that means she probably had it the WHOLE god damn mother fucking time!!!!!!!" errggg
Get to INOVA...wait wait wait wait....8ish...taken in
do stupid tests
dumb nurses cant tell what i need on this "physical form"...fucking RETARDS
get TB me form stating when i need to come back
take piss test...scared...
10:30...get home after long as fucking day..
Sunday, 8-27: go back to Cville to have my TB test read...
ok now IM fucking RETARDED...i cant on the wrong day...too late...must come back for another test!! arrrrrggg dumbass me, must wait a week...Wednesday
Wednesday, 8-30: Call other clinics so i dont have to go back to bitch ass cville. their last appointments at 330-4. arggg....i dont wanna go back!!!
Finally find the Vienna one, closes late.
Go to vienna, wait less, nicer people, done and done. Must come back in 2-3 days to have reading...damnit i thought i could com ein the next day!! All this shit is fucking DUE TOMORROW.
Today: Sunday, 9-2: come back for reading...sign on door
"DUE TO POWER OUTAGE WE ARE CLOSED" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go home to call other clinics...all closed, too late....todays the last day for reading and i guess im fucked....
gotta do it fucking AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MOTHER FUCKING COCK SUCKING STUPID INOVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!