I fucking hate Macy's now. I applied for a job at one of the makeup counters, which turned out to be Clinique. I went in for a group interview, then had an interveiw with the head of the department, then had a phone interveiw with the Clinique rep, and THEN, I had to fucking drive an hour and a half to meet the Clinique rep. For a ten minute session of me bashing. First, she told me not to show up to the interveiw with my nose ring in, which pissed me off but whatever. IT FUCKING CLOSED ON ME!!! Then, she said I wasn't wearing the right clothes, I wore too much jewelry, my hair was wrong my makeup was wrong and every other aspect that makes me me, was wrong. I wanted to cry. I'm thinking, if you're supposed to sell beauty products, shouldn't you be beautiful? Whatever. Needless to say I'm just way too cool for them and didn't get the job but fuck. I still want to get payed for the ass fucking they gave me!
Those fucks dont know shit. They just want prissy little comformo bitichs to work there. You dont need a job like that.