I have this kitten, and he loves to hug my arm, and it makes my heart melt a little every time he does it

had my first practice with the new crew and league on sunday afternoon. it went really well, the girls there are awesome & so thankful and good to their officials.
i got to pull a freshie in and made her wrangle and she did fantastic all things considered. i'm hoping to get her to do some cross-training as an official while she's going through the FM program
i know i'll have a lot of challenges but for now, knowing i have a bigger crew of officials, i feel so much less pressure. don't know what will happen with the other league i just left, kinda up to them now...
and then sunday night i went to see blossom perform, which was a blast. also ran into beppo up there. i'm really enjoying the down time from derby right now, it's been so nice being able to see people i haven't for several months because my life was revolving around derby. sometimes ya just gotta step back and take time to enjoy other things and people in your life.
that being said, i'm meeting a friend from high school for lunch this weekend, and getting a tattoo i've wanted for ages started

had my first practice with the new crew and league on sunday afternoon. it went really well, the girls there are awesome & so thankful and good to their officials.
i got to pull a freshie in and made her wrangle and she did fantastic all things considered. i'm hoping to get her to do some cross-training as an official while she's going through the FM program

i know i'll have a lot of challenges but for now, knowing i have a bigger crew of officials, i feel so much less pressure. don't know what will happen with the other league i just left, kinda up to them now...
and then sunday night i went to see blossom perform, which was a blast. also ran into beppo up there. i'm really enjoying the down time from derby right now, it's been so nice being able to see people i haven't for several months because my life was revolving around derby. sometimes ya just gotta step back and take time to enjoy other things and people in your life.
that being said, i'm meeting a friend from high school for lunch this weekend, and getting a tattoo i've wanted for ages started
