Contemplating intoxication. 9:13. Fiday night. It's too bad this town is so small. every time Iwanna go play, it feels like the same old thing, same old faces thinking and feeling the same thing back at me. I need some new input. Allright, the game will be... The first person to post an inspiring plan for my evening ...WINS! And I shall thenceforth commit myself the fulfillment of that plan. ALLLRriiiiiiiighhht.. GO!
GO< NOW!......
NOW! Go! HUrry,
GO< NOW!......
NOW! Go! HUrry,

well i guess this will be the best , drive to the store ,get 2 dozen watermellons , leave the store and drive , while commencing to eat the melons , go find donte and smother him with the mellons , then eat donte , then go find some random hession to bang you against the wall , after you get yours leave go back to the store and bye grapes to freez and then eat in the morn.

Well, your' plan certainly is creative enough! Watermelons aren't my favorite, So i shall replace them with cantilope. this should mke my saturday evening unsurpassable!!..Ohh, you just got me all wiggly, just thinkin' about it.
I wonder how long it takes for a grape to freeze..