So my salon is opening in two weeks and im feeling pretty stressed out about the whole thing - mostly i am excited but its starting to get down to the crunch time and become a little overwhelming. i really need to concern myself with getting a little more rest and stop being so damn excited about the sexy man i have comming to visit me from edmonton tomorrow. i need to be sleeping instead of on the damn computer, but i still have to type and print my pricelists. all work and no play makes betty a dull girl. *le sigh* someone come save me! i need a martini!
you are soooooooooo gorgeous !

You are a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent woman....your business will work out fine. In the midst of all the craziness don't forget to give yourself some love. Nice to see another SG, Calgary scorpio..... we're one day and 3 yrs apart. wild. You'll do well you've got Lady Luck on your side.