I've just been added to the Car Kulture Deluxe website, go check it out!
I'm shooting a photo for Boobs for Bourbon St this evening, Gerry Kramer from Tattoo Zoo is going to draw the website URL on me today (as the site requires), which is the closest I may ever get to 'getting a tattoo', so I better enjoy it while it lasts.
I'll let you all know when the photo goes live there, so you can donate to the charity of your choice, and see compassionate boobs for your trouble.
I've also got to check out the new location for my big Halloween show on Oct. 29 with Hank and Lily's circus sideshow, which will now be over at the Xchanges gallery in Vic West. We're going to have a big haunted house, and I'm part of the Cooch show, I hope you all can come out with this, we're having some amazing surprise guest!

I'm shooting a photo for Boobs for Bourbon St this evening, Gerry Kramer from Tattoo Zoo is going to draw the website URL on me today (as the site requires), which is the closest I may ever get to 'getting a tattoo', so I better enjoy it while it lasts.

I'll let you all know when the photo goes live there, so you can donate to the charity of your choice, and see compassionate boobs for your trouble.
I've also got to check out the new location for my big Halloween show on Oct. 29 with Hank and Lily's circus sideshow, which will now be over at the Xchanges gallery in Vic West. We're going to have a big haunted house, and I'm part of the Cooch show, I hope you all can come out with this, we're having some amazing surprise guest!

I live in portland but i got to work i Saturday till 8 and cant go to the movie