Thanks to everyone who weighed in to my last question. The correct answer was "Pimpin ain't easy" or conversely, "Hell yes".
In other news, I am crazy excited about the Trial Reunion show on October 9th in Seattle, which should look something like this:
So many kids are coming out for this, it's going to be amazing. And I get to meet James, which is as exciting as seeing Trial play again. I'm also going to be staying with super hottie Sinovia, who I met the last time I visited Seattle. I can't wait till her first set goes up, it will be amazing for sure!
Also, the world premiere of my new film The Dead Inside is that weekend in Portland OR at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival. The first showing is on Saturday, October 8th at 2pm, I can't wait to see it! I've only seen little snippets so far, so it will be my first time seeing the whole thing too. I hope you all can come out to see it, it's a haunted house story set in 1948 and I play Betty, the assistant to a scientist who is investigating a haunting. If you can't make it on Saturday, they are playing it again on Sunday, but I won't be there, so come on Saturday instead! You can download the trailer of the movie here!

In other news, I am crazy excited about the Trial Reunion show on October 9th in Seattle, which should look something like this:

So many kids are coming out for this, it's going to be amazing. And I get to meet James, which is as exciting as seeing Trial play again. I'm also going to be staying with super hottie Sinovia, who I met the last time I visited Seattle. I can't wait till her first set goes up, it will be amazing for sure!
Also, the world premiere of my new film The Dead Inside is that weekend in Portland OR at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival. The first showing is on Saturday, October 8th at 2pm, I can't wait to see it! I've only seen little snippets so far, so it will be my first time seeing the whole thing too. I hope you all can come out to see it, it's a haunted house story set in 1948 and I play Betty, the assistant to a scientist who is investigating a haunting. If you can't make it on Saturday, they are playing it again on Sunday, but I won't be there, so come on Saturday instead! You can download the trailer of the movie here!

I hope you have a new set in line, I love your style and your sets so I cant wait for the next one!*muah*

thanks lovely