Okay, so I'm listening to the CBC right now, and they are talking about Cuddle Parties. And they are playing the Boss' "Human Touch". I love public radio. And I want to go to a cuddle party. Apparently, you just wear comfy clothes, go to a comfortable, pillow-filled room, and snuggle. You have to ask permission, and you are allowed to kiss, but only with consent. AND you can use tongue, if you want. But mostly I like the snuggley cuddly idea. OH MY GOD, now they're playing that "I wanna hold you till I die" song.
at the same time.
This is what a snuggle party looks like, according to Google. I don't know if I want Jane Seymour at my party, and probably no kids either. But PJs are good.
Anyways, what I really want to know is if any of you know of any good Spider-themed songs that I can use for this awesome burlesque costume I'm making. Songs that don't involve superhero references.

This is what a snuggle party looks like, according to Google. I don't know if I want Jane Seymour at my party, and probably no kids either. But PJs are good.
Anyways, what I really want to know is if any of you know of any good Spider-themed songs that I can use for this awesome burlesque costume I'm making. Songs that don't involve superhero references.

Im with papawheelie. Kudos on exhumed.

cuddle party? awww that sounds pretty adorable.