The wanting never stops, does it. I NEED these sheets! Organic, made by the Amish, I really can't go wrong. I'll have to remember these once my credit card is payed off...which should be soon, because guess who just got a new job!! Hooray for employment.
Hooray for tour! We made it, no problems at customs or anything. I've put up a gallery of all the funtimes we had in Vancouver, San Francisco and Portland on the BettiLu Bombshells site, so go take a sneaky peak. Here's a little taste of our adventures in SF:
Big thanks to Germany, Olivia, s5, papawheelie and bombshellbetty for making us feel so welcome and being so wonderful. I can't wait to do this again!
Also, shirts and stickers are now for sale on our website, so get them while they last!

Hooray for tour! We made it, no problems at customs or anything. I've put up a gallery of all the funtimes we had in Vancouver, San Francisco and Portland on the BettiLu Bombshells site, so go take a sneaky peak. Here's a little taste of our adventures in SF:

Big thanks to Germany, Olivia, s5, papawheelie and bombshellbetty for making us feel so welcome and being so wonderful. I can't wait to do this again!
Also, shirts and stickers are now for sale on our website, so get them while they last!

Oh wow, look here (NY Times article... I think that the login sgnews/sgnews should work)... the woman in the photo looks so much like you that I had to share! I actually was reading an actual copy of the newspaper, but wanted to dig it up online to share with you.