Yay! The fabulous LuluMae is back in town! Just in the nick of time too, she saved me from doing a BettiLu interview by myself. Look out for our deep thoughts in an upcoming Monday Magazine. I updated our website recently with photos from the Canada Day show, and will hopefully have pictures from our last show up soon too!
We're working on arranging a show in Vancouver or Seattle, so let your local clubs know about us, eh?
And finally, thank you Olivia for the exciting wishlist feature. Yay shopping, now I know what to get all my girlies for special occasions. Everyone, fill your out!

We're working on arranging a show in Vancouver or Seattle, so let your local clubs know about us, eh?
And finally, thank you Olivia for the exciting wishlist feature. Yay shopping, now I know what to get all my girlies for special occasions. Everyone, fill your out!

whew! thank goodness. thanks for the advice! i'll be in the basement if you need me...
I just love all of your pics!