I'm launching a new series of live and interactive online classes where I'll cover topics like vintage hairstyling, make-up, burlesque, touring and more! Want to help me test out the new webinar program, see how it works, and above all ask me questions about anything you like? Email me at bettinamayworkshops@gmail.com to be added to the FREE chat room at noon EST tomorrow, and click here for more info. I'd love your input on what sort of class topics would be of interest to you, and to hear what is going on in your neck of the woods, so this first open-ended session from noon till 1pm will be totally free! Hope to see you there!
More Blogs
I've published my first book!
It’s been many years in the making, so I’m thrilled to finally b… -
Friday May 17, 2013
Long time no post! Lots going on, including a new national PIn-Up Cl… -
Monday Nov 19, 2012
I'm getting ready to enjoy a busy Thanksgiving week, filled with plan… -
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
My awesomely talented roommate is a designer, and is coming out with … -
Monday May 21, 2012
It's been a while since I've hit the road for a good old-fashioned bu… -
Wednesday Feb 29, 2012
It's been a while since my last update, I know! Lots going on! Firs… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2011
Read More -
Monday Mar 21, 2011
I'm excited to announce that I'm going on a little tour in April! Af… -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2011
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Saturday Jan 29, 2011
I'm trying to make it to Viva Las Vegas this year for the burlesque c…